PS3 Which one?

I have decided to purchase a ps3 but i am confused about couple of subjects:
1. Which one to buy 40, 60, 80 gb. And how important is it?
2. Which version European, American, Japanese system? and what’s the difference?
3. Last but not least where is the best and cheapest place to buy from?
Note: do NOT give me ANY reviews about XBOX, as i am not interested in it at ALL, even if its the ultimate. or even if its better than PS3. i do not care.
the reason i put this note is because i know some people will go off topic.
Thank you.
BUy 60 or 80 dont buy 40...
Go to East 51 next to Jarir [known before as modern home] they have it these days for 1800, with two controllers, some games and most important ... it is a European system which is a multi-system that plays most of the games.
This may help;
Looks like everywhere is going to be 80Gb soon (as others are no longer in production), but for now I think you can only get 40Gb PAL version in Qatar (at least from the "mainstream" shops), and all the games I see are PAL.