Does downloading Iphone O/S from Itunes cause my Iphone 3GS to lock?

According to this posting at I will lose my Iphone 3GS unlock if i download the latest 3.1 o/s update from Itunes. Does anybody know if this is true and if so where can i get the o/s update otherwise?
You can search here in QL who has iphone 3G and 3GS unlocked. They made a mistake updating it via iTunes. Learn from their experience.
for 3G and 3GS who purchase from Starlink: Ask Starlink itself to update your units and test if it is working (incoming and outgoing calls) Check if it has Cydia. This means that your unit is not factory unlock.
For jailbroken/unlocked 3G and 3GS: DO NOT UPDATE YOUR UNITS VIA iTuNeS AS YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR UNLOCK. If you wanted to update it with 3.1.2. PM me!
For jailbroken/unlocked 2G: Your unit is safe even you make a mistake by updating it via Itunes. It will loose your unlock but I can safely return back to a useful unit. Just PM me or call me! 5835773 Mr. Danny
I bought an iPhone 3GS from starlink. Updated it through itunes and it is a genuinely unlocked phone so it was fine. if you look at the model number ... the MC133X is what I have and it seems fine. If you have the LLXXXX model it is most likely a Jailbreak-ed phone and will lock up.
I didn't pay attention to the fact that you have a 3GS. Be very careful about updating the software. With the 3GS you have the possibility of losing the unlock forever.
Well that depends on several points. Did you pay outright for your phone in which case it came unlocked? Did you buy it from a phone company and have it unlocked afterwards? If the latter is the situation then yes, downloading and installing the 3.1 software will lock your phone. You can install the software then unlock the phone afterwards though. Here is a link to get the unlocking software and perhaps educate yourself on the process
Please Check this link..