Yahoo loging Problem

My yahoo e mail haked by someone using under my name for and unable me to logiing.when i checked its says temporaly blocked for 24 hrs.But now last 3 days it is blocked.If any one can help me to solve this probelm or procedure to change password really appreciated.
Anyone have Yahoo help desk e mail id kindly forwad to me
Go through the below help link from yahoo.
Most probably the person who hacked your yahoo id and password would have used Yahoo for spamming or some other vulgar activities which compelled yahoo to lock the account. Normally such locks will be for a period of 24 hours and they would have mentioned it with the message you got. It will be better to wait for the lock to open then try to log in and change your password immediately.
Thanks for rply so far,
I tried that web site but undermetioned msg appered.
Sorry, this account is temporarily locked (9002)
This account has been temporarily locked because of security concerns
That is really bad!! So sorry.
Actually this happened to me a while ago in a friend's house, i needed to check the email and simply asked for the laptop to be used; and after a few days this friend was calling me since the YMessenger was on and was receiving messages from a bunch of people (setting in my friends pc were to keep the user logged for 2 weeks unless logged off). Thanks god this friend did not tampered my account or password.
Usually this kinda situation happens when the account is left open in a public computer(read cyber, home, friend's place) since there could be some settings leading to keep the account opened or to be kept logged in unless otherwise specified.
The only links I have are the following ones
Try contacting them or follow the links for additional details on this topic.
Once again sorry but next time try not to use public sites computers or friends computers without checking the settings since it could happen again. And if there is no other choice be sure to log out (not just close the window), erase the temp files and cookies on the navigator (tools--->options); and just as a last resource restart/reboot the system.
Go to the below link and complete the procedure.