Whats Happened To Hotmail?

By jasminejasmine •
Is anyone else having problems getting Hotmail? Since Friday morning I haven't been able to check my email although MSN home page still works. This is the same at home and work so unlikely to be a problem with my computer. I have tried Internet Explorer and Firefox.
I've been having major problems with Yahoo for the past 2 weeks...
no things are going on willlllllll
Hotmail is fine as far as I know. But sometimes you do get these little quirks here they usually right themselves after a couple of days
Jasmine says she have the same problem in her Office and Home so it is not a server issue. Probably it could be an issue related to the account as others does not have any such problems.
working good, no problem
Setup proxy and it will be just fine...
Internet Explorer
Internet Options
LAN Settings
Select: Use a proxy server for your LAN (This settings will not apply for dial-up or VPN Connections)
In Address type: proxy.qatar.net.qa Port: 8080
Select: Bypass proxy server for local addresses
Close Internet explorer and retry.
Good Luck....
I also checked my hotmail yesterday , no problem maybe its your server...
no problem with my hotmail account
check ur time and date on ur pc
no prblem in hotmail.
maybe just ur server!
Check your PC with possible spyware/trojan attacks. As of this moment, Hotmail/MSN is working very fine.
As far as i know, no probs with hotmail. I chekd it a few minutes b4 also.