Qtel Internet Bill Query

I have a 1MBps ADSL connection from Qtel, which supposedly is 200QAR per month and unlimited download.. Looking at my bill on eQtel it says, I have an total bill of 500QAR.
AS expected the 111, Qtel helpline was of no use as they said they didn't have the updated data and I will have to callback.
Curious, anyone else experienced this....OR are there any hidden charges which gets applied if I cross beyond a download limit..????
Dear sir, please go to the custmer care and regester your mail id and you can get the bill on email and check, i trust on qtel , they had sent me the details of the bill amount and the minutes and seconds,
Dear sir, please go to the custmer care and regester your mail id and you can get the bill on email and check, i trust on qtel , they had sent me the details of the bill amount and the minutes and seconds,
If it's your first bill after connection then it seems okay.
It would be for the balance days of the new connection month plus next 1 month.
1 months ADSL RESIDENTIAL 1 Mbps= 200 QR
1 months Direct Exchange Line-Residential line= 33 QR
Direct Exchange Line Initiation (one time charge)= 200 QR
plus for the balance days of the other month pro rata.
My first bill was around 680 QR & it was correct when I thoroughly reviewed it !!
From next month onwards you'll be receiving a monthly bill of QR 233 only.
Q-tell is charging monthly to their customers.. Before it was end of the month but now they started begening of the month.This is reason they charg u twice in one month.. additional 250 is for running month...
1. Checked on the site, all it says is "your Total Bill is 500QAR" --> No further details.
2. Its a one year subscription, so the installation/Router is supposed to be free.. ain't it? As mentioned on their site...!!
3. Will try the option of visiting their office....
Thanks All...appreciate the help.
Did you see details your billing? may be that fro your prev month + current month (250+250) ??
dont call go direct qtel office, they have explaination
If its 1st bill then 300 Installation charges and 200 monthly fee, if its not then just to inform u that they also have started taking payments in advance..........
Hip try getting a detailed bill so that you know actually what is Qtel charging you on a monhtly basis.
Better go to a Qtel commercial office in which you culd get a better explanation on tel/internet charges on your name.
On the other hand if you have online access you can get all the detail you need to understand the bill.