Mozaic TV+ not working...Error -300

By alinaqi1992 •
I got Mozaic TV+ 3 days ago and when I turned it on today it said Error -300, Service is temporary unavilable. Does anyone else have or had this problem? if yes, how do you fix it? I tried rebooting, I restored the wifi router, I tried a different router, but nothing seems to make it work.
Appreciate the advice but I already tried that. My ADSL modem is working perfectly and I called QTel Customer Service and they directed me to one of the Technicians and they said they would look into the problem.
just put back every thing as it was .
turn off the set for 10 min.
restart the full set all together a gain .
if the problem still there u can call 111 and follow the instruction ..make a complain and make sure to get the case numbre with in 2 days they will come to repair
Give the Customer Service a call. first, make sure that the Qtel WIFI modem is working. If your ADSL is not working, definitely, Mozaic will not work as well.