Looking for Computer parts

By jaypeeb0917 •
As the title suggests....
Where can I find computer parts in Doha? I will be making my own gaming desktop pc.
What is the best store that offers lots of parts that I can choose? If not, can I purchase it online and have it delivered?
Off topic:
What is the best internet provider currently on Doha?
Thanks in advance.
you may also try looking at www.bluelynxonline.com
We will be adding more parts related to gaming systems soon..
thanks for the fast response guys. I will check this out asap. :)
acchabaccha is correct, the computer markets is located within Mercure Hotel bldg, Msheireb Area, they call it sofitel...infront of Wadi Msheireb Street...
There is a computer market located in Musheirab. You can try there as it has many shops selling computers, parts, and accessories. As for internet,try Ooredo.