How do they calculate how many "new" topics there are on QL?

Can someone please explain how the QL site figures out how many "new" topics there are.
Next to each topic in the forum section, there is a figure which represents how many topics there are, and how many are new. However I can't seem to work out how they decide if the topic is new. Mine said there were 77 new in a certain forum so I opened 24 unread topics, and this caused the number to decrease to 66 new. I thought maybe it only calculated the topics that were new since I had logged on last, but then the figure is way too high. I'm sure there's an explanation, I just don't know what. Anyone else know?
If that were true, then I would have thousands of "new" topics. All the ones that I haven't read that were posted before I joined QL.
Well I've noticed that the "new" topic designations are kind of wacky lately. Especially in "My Recent Posts".
Topics that aren't new, and haven't had any new comments posted since I last read, are showing up as "new".
Maybe MissX is noticing the same thing?
If you haven't previously read a topic then it's classed as new. Once you read it then it's no longer new.
And remember that as you read topics more new ones are being added, so the number will keep changing.
MissXY Flexy
try this every new topic posted gets on the top