How to control other Wifi users in Mozaic

I upgraded recently my ADSL to Mozaic; my god; after that internet is very slow;
I have given my password to 3 other neighbors; modem is fixed in my flat; Due to very slow internet connection; I disconnected TV cables and only using Internet. But still it is slow. So I logged into Qtel Homebrand page by using my default gateway; But I could not find out other users there. On the left side there are status, device, basic, advance and maintenance; anyone can tell me how to find out other users in our network and also is it possible for me to disconnect them for temporarily on urgent cases.
i admit i should not give the permission first. But I promised them and it is not nice to change the password and trouble them. I heard that we can control the users from Qtel home brand page (default gate way number) pls. any one assist on that
You give your password to three neighbours and then complain that what is a slow internet service to start with has become even slower?
Good grief.
change your router password and dont give it to your neighbors again. how sure r u that they did not give ur password to other people also? and maybe they are downloading movies or anything from the internet also. this will cause slow internet connection, too.
You answered your own Question. The more users connect to your WIFI the slower your speed will become, another point is TV and ADSL have separate configuration so disconnecting one will not speedup the other.
there in the mosaic router admin control how to users connect with WIFI. but as I far knew to share internet connection it prohibited by Qtel.
But you can call 111 for details