Echolife HG850a Router setup

Hi, Qtel has recently installed a HG850 Router in my place to replace the Thomson Router they installed 12 months ago - and of course left no instruction on how to set it up. After trying Qtel's customer service for hours and getting absolutely no help at all, I'm left with a device which does not connect to the internet. As far as I can make out it's connected to the fibre optic cable they have installed to replace the adsl copper line. I've figured out that the base address of the HG850 is and I can get the routers login page to come up on the computer. However I don't know what user name or p/w to use. I've tried the default user 'admin' & p/w as 'admin, but they don't work either. Unfortunately the device also does not have a 'reset' button to put parameters back to 'default' state.
Does anyone have a user manual (not a quick installation guide!) or info that would be of assistance?
Many thanks.
Try Login: either p or s and your phone number (no spaces and small p or s i.e. p1234567 or s1234567)
Try Password: connect2tm
good luck
Just call any IT guy to configure for you, if you need help let me know