Does anyone know Java Netbeans?
By DesertRogue •
Hey there GUys
I have a program I have to make for my uni,I have made the program but I doneit the "wrong way" and I need to do it in Java netbeans, but I'm finding it a nightmare, does anyone know Java netbeans that I could ask for some help with?
I can help you, I am a Java2SE developer
why u r asking this
OK, what do you need to do using java, I think I can help you.
Hey there
Sorry I mean java Netbeans IDE yes, using the java language.
I have never heard "Java Netbeans programming language", do you mean programming with java using Netbeans IDE.
there is no language called "Java Netbeans programming language"
and FYI, the best java IDE is eclipse and it is opensource