Computer Problems??? Ask me

If you have any problems/doubts with your computer. Post it here. I will try to help.
1. Setting up your computer.
2. Network problems.
3. Software design and development.
4. Web page design and development.
5. Consulting for doubts.
6. Studying computer languages/Scripts/OS.
7. Configuration management.
hi to you,
Please help me I have an acer laptop but i can't connect to a wireless network while i can before. It was supposed to connect automatically before everytime i turned it on so i tried to connect manually but when i tried to connect it says that there is no wireless connection available. The wireless connection is on so i don't know what to do i just use my friend laptop so i can ask for help here in QL. I'm desperate it's been 3 days.. Thanks
If you are using a laptop/desktop, there must be a Windows XP key or a tag-id sticker on in your machine. You can download and install XP from microsoft website using the key.
If you are using a laptop/desktop, there must be a Windows XP key or a tag-id sticker on in your machine. You can download and install XP from microsoft website using the key.
Are you using a desktop or laptop? which company/brand?
hi, I have window xp pac-3 and unabl eto install yap phone software due to compatibility problem. How can i install window xp form net free.. I would appreciate.
Convert your hard drive to NTFS. If your drive is using FAT16 or FAT32, you can gain performance by converting it to NTFS. NTFS has faster access times, and stores data more efficiently. Click on START > RUN > type "cmd" (without quotes) > type "CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS" (without quotes). Follow the instructions and your drive will be converted to NTFS. Bear in mind that NTFS drives can only be accessed by Windows 2000/NT/XP and Vista
why the computer runing slow i have good network and i just formate the computer but steel its runing slow can u give me some idea to recover it thanx