Weght loss results

Ok Guys ..... sharing with you what really worked for me
i started weight loss on 15 Nov 12. I was 82 KG with 38 cm waist then ..... Now i am 67 KG with 32 Waist....
Daily Diet i used
Fat free Yogurt (180 grams) - 02 per day
Fat free Milk - 1 L daily
Almonds (natural, unsalted) - 20 per days
Raw Tomatoes (medium size) - 03 per days
Raw Cabbage (medium size ) 1/4 per days
Oranges (medium) - 02 per day
Apples (medium) - 01 per day
Pears (medium) - 01 per day
Boiled eggs (with yolk) - 02 per day
Whey Protein Powder shaked with zero fat milk (02 scoops per day)
in addition to above, twice a week i had whole grilled chicken breast (without skin) or grilled fish fillets
Zero Rice
Zero Wheat
Zero Beef / Mutton
Exercise (35 min walk on machine with 15 slope and at 6.5 MPH)
Very interestingly, my high chronic high blood pressure is very much improved now and i have cut my medication by 60 % of what i was taking.
Very very happy on the results yet my wife is very angry as she doubts that i did this because i intend to marry another time.
fiet might bring your weight down but eating right doesnt put muscle on your body. great work thus far but if you looking for some shape and toned muscles. check out. www.bodybydesignqatar.com or call +97470725083
providing free consultations to help people see results
This is a great achievement, everyone cant do it.
Keep it up and be healthy.
You are an inspiration to many. Thanks for sharing routine to loose weight.
I will tell my husband to follow your fitness regime...:D
Your wife is of a very jealous type! she should be happy for you to get back in shape!
How tall are you?
congrats and really happy u share here.... defi i m gonna print and share it among my frnds and family ...
and yes ... dont even think abt marrying again :-) ... let ur wife folow the same diet