Swine Flu

By marhabtain •
I am going on a vacation mucho grande to visit my Great Aunt Juanita on her Pig Farm in Mucho di Crackars Mexico. Is it hokay to go or will they not alow me back into Doha - I like here toooo mush. Hola my friends - please answer as I worry. Aunty Juanita she sick. I go look after she.
i suggest you to wait for some time untill that disease vanished there. Sure those people will be taking steps to stop it then you can go where ever you want.Its not the matter than you will be allowed to come back or not but its for the sake of your own health. If you will be ok then you can look after others. Best of luck.
still at it eh marhabtein?
Hola Don Pedro! Go look after Aunt Juanita but remember to wear the mask of Zorro and that you have a Magnificent 7 ! Consuella - Mwah!
That dosen't even makes sense...
Our best to your Tia Juanita.