Has anybody joined Tajmeel or QIBA recently?

By serendipity_282008 •
Hi Ladies
Would you give me all your feedback after visiting QIBA oR Tajmeel?How was the experience? I had already gone through their website. What is the course fees for hairdressing?Has anybody joined ? What are the details required to join the course? Where exactly the venue located at Ramada intersection? All your suggestions appreciated.
Thx & Rgds.
Hi serendipity_282008,
Thank you for your inquiry.
I am a worker at Tajmeel(QIBA)so although I cannot give you any feedback on our courses ( although all have fortunately been positive so far![: ) I can answer your general queries about our hairdressing course.
Currently we offer the International hairdressing course on a full time and a part time basis. Our full time course is full this semester, but should you be interested in enrolling in our part time one in this semester we can definitely include you in it.
Requirements for the course are very simple, you are going to be required to attend a small interview conducted by either our hair dressing tutor or principal where they will be able to assess your English and your commitment to the course. Upon approval you can immediately apply and start the payment policy.
The International course costs 25,000 QR and upon completion of the course you will be able to gain a diploma in hairdressing recognized internationally. Payments can be done through an installment plan that
can be set up by our finance administrator.
With regards to our exact location, we are on the same street as La Cigale Hotel, exactly opposite Patatas restaurant. We are the orangy-peach building and our academy is located on the first floor. We'd be more than happy to welcome you in to check our services and facilities.
Should you need any further information just call us up on 44542420 or 44542422.
Hope this helps!
Have a nice day...