Cosmetic & Beauty Trend in Qatar

Hi there! I m now doing the research about the cosmetic trend in Qatar. Anyone can help with this? Any recommended website or source? I would like to gather info as much as possible. Or you might just help me with some questions such as,
1. What brands are popular here?
2. What's about make up trends?
3. I ve heard that organic or natural cosmetic is hard to find there. Is it true??
4. Where do Qataris love to go for cosmetics shopping? Counter brands @ Shopping Mall? Do you like the online-shopping?
5. Is tele-shopping or TV shopping popular in Qatar? Anyone has experience with this??
Thanks a lot for all comments and of coz, ur time. :)
Are you looking for Prestige Brands? Here the major percentage of Qataris are using Prestige Brands and most of them are Brand loyal especially for Skincare. All the well know brands are doing well here. Qataris are shopping in the Perfumeries like 4U (City Centre, Royal Plaza, Landmark & the Centre), Debenhams, Paris Gallery, Salam Plaza, Salam The Mall, Faces, Sephora, 51 East and Merch. It will be better to visit one of them find out the trends from them.