XP or VISTA or LINUX or Mac for Desktops

PC Magazine conducts OS battle: Apple's Mac OS X Leopard Wins.
Results based on ratings
Price (on scale of 0-5; 0 is worst, 5 is best):
4.5 - Ubuntu
4.0 - Mac OS 10.5.1
3.0 - Windows XP
2.0 - Windows Vista
4.5 - Ubuntu
4.0 - Mac OS 10.5.1
3.0 - Windows XP
2.0 - Windows Vista
5.0 - Mac OS 10.5.1
3.5 - Windows Vista
3.0 - Windows XP
3.0 - Ubuntu
5.0 - Mac OS 10.5.1
4.0 - Windows Vista
3.0 - Windows XP
2.5 - Ubuntu
Bundled Software
4.5 - Mac OS 10.5.1
4.0 - Ubuntu
3.5 - Windows Vista
2.5 - Windows XP
Third-Party Software (Quantity, not Quality):
5.0 - Windows XP
4.5 - Windows Vista
4.0 - Ubuntu
3.5 - Mac OS 10.5.1
Drivers/Hardware (Quantity, not Quality):
4.5 - Windows XP
3.5 - Mac OS 10.5.1
3.5 - Windows Vista
2.5 - Ubuntu
4.5 - Windows XP
4.0 - Mac OS 10.5.1
4.0 - Windows Vista
2.5 - Ubuntu
4.0 - Mac OS 10.5.1
4.0 - Ubuntu
3.5 - Windows Vista
3.0 - Windows XP
The Victor: Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.1)
1. if Mac is so great, then why you need to install WIndows or Linux in bootcamp or any Parallel or VMware softwares..?
Simply to prove that Mac OS can run windows but windows cannot run Mac
2. if Mac is so great, why they created a WINDOWS OFFICE 2008 for MAC?? simple..because Microsoft office is very very very and mostly used software that MAC cannot deny.
If Mercedes is such a great car wonder why they created toyota?
This will be never ending debate Mac or Windows or Linux?
wow your still awake??
i dont know how to make my partition a journal in pc?
(but i agree..its really a painful process)
< www.applei.ph/one/ >
gudnty kapatid ... i'm so sleepy too ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
bro, anyway, im gonna slip now.
:) im feeling sleepy now.
gudnyt. :D
< www.applei.ph/one/ >
hahaha. maybe its more ok if you bring a bigger stick. hmm? a baseball bat?
why so late? 5am? wow.
< www.applei.ph/one/ >
nights is the main title of my sleeping habits these days ... I'm not comfortable with anything around me ...
I'm going to hit the bed in 5, .. will just jump there and try to sleep ... will keep my stick beside me just in case ... told yah .. Im going to hit the bed :)
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
to detect anything that would start when you connect your USB ... small and free tool, but can fix your folder options, the task manger disabled by your admin [cuz of a virus], and the windows registry ....
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
i installed Mac in my pc before. i use emulator to run tiger.
yap, there is always an debate for Mac, linux and Windows.
and that is what it make this post a "heads-up". ^^
but really, i love both Mac and Win. :D
< www.applei.ph/one/ >
no Emulator, just a fresh installation on another partition formatted as a new journal and there you go ... had to add one line, with a new key to the boot of MAC so I can choose at startup between MAC & XP ... needed a bootable CD at first to set the XP partition as Active, and ... anyway it was really a pain ... back then to install it :)
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
yey long time no see. yap those .dll is the pain in the ass in windows. me too, sometimes i got difficulty detecting a .dll file if its a virus.
i use kalaway, but i never run mostly all of the device like usb..
< www.applei.ph/one/ >
before installed on my laptop ... lucky me that most of the drivres for it were provided by Intel and being IBM I face no issues with it but nothing is working really perfect as when you install it on a MAC ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
long time no see buddy, how is life? Well windows would never solve the issues with the viruses until they give up on using (.dll) files. Those complied files are the caues of the pain, but in the same time ... the backbone of windows operating systems :(
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
well, Mac and Windows have advantages and disadvantages.
(i both use them so this is a fair judgement..hehe)
Mac - simple, elegant, and is good for rendering, photoshop (for architects and 3d designers)..
disadvantage is Autodesk like autocad wont run. and the safari is the most easily hacked browser in the world.. so use Firefox. ^^
Windows - not very simple but easy to understand. advantages is, you can run mostly of all softwares that is needed for business, etc etc. and you can use Autodesk.
disadvantage is, well.. i cant think of any..
1. if Mac is so great, then why you need to install WIndows or Linux in bootcamp or any Parallel or VMware softwares..??? (bootcamp? because that is the only solution for Mac so that there users wont shift to Windows machine.. 2002 rumors)
2. if Mac is so great, why they created a WINDOWS OFFICE 2008 for MAC?? simple..because Microsoft office is very very very and mostly used software that MAC cannot deny..
3 MAc is great because there is no viruses. (for now..)
4. Windows have so many viruses wherever you surf, wherever you go, whatever and ever. (that is because the target of the virus maker is for the most used machine so that they can sell Anti-virus softwares..)
check my signature. ^^
< www.applei.ph/one/ >
Mac is making rapid progress in the desktop market and the predication is that by 2013 corporates will have more Macs than PC's.
being a mac user since the prehestoric 75 mhz computers....it really is the best....way of life if you so wish to put it....however....and a huge however, in the past, when you were a mac user, people used to mock you, and ask why, nothing was compatible, no word or excel, only claris works, no dual os support, no drivers, no after market software, nothing, now, times have changed, with the new intel core two duo chips, you have dual system support (mac + windows if you so wish), i have both, however i rarely use the latter, why should i, i got my firefox, my word 08, my movie player (mplayer), my itunes and my kick ass interface.....steve jobs...you truly are a !@#$^& genius...
Been a Mac user for a couple of years now. I'm proud to say that my only machines (at least, those owned by me) are both Mac. I have an iBook G4 that runs Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger (bought at Apple's main store in Cupertino), and I have a MacBook C2D that's powered by Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (purchased in Doha). Both are great computing machines, and both are very powerful. I don't like to sound biased, but the obvious winner here is the Mac - simple - Windows (XP/Vista) can be legally installed on a Mac (and it can even triple boot Linux since it can run Windows). Installing Mac OS on a PC just ain't right. Its simply not meant to be. It might be possible, but illegal, and they're just not meant for each other. Try a Mac and you'll get a computer that's made by the one company, with the same OS, and the same software manufacturer.
Oh... and I just updated my signature below... ;) Peace!
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!
i both use mac and windows now..
and i love them both. =)
< www.applei.ph/one/ >
Regulator, I guess you have to update yourself on Apple. Ever since OS X has been released things have changed. Mac OS X is based on the Mach kernel and is derived from the BSD implementation of Unix. You can run almost all the shell commands of unix on Mac.
The Regulator....
iam a Linux Root , well to me Ubuntu is not that great , i like Red Hat more , when it comes to
servers or clinet use , i see that Apple is great but the its pricy .
if your a CMD-line freak . lunix is all the way for u ,
for simple use . daily browsing or downloads yes , vista is your choice . but i would suggest XP ,
since the indestry still uses it ..
Apple . more for graphic design ppl , and Web devolopment ....
Root ..
installed on PC machines but you will need a PC with good and somehow high specifications ... Worth it? It is the most mazing thing that i've seen ... Vist is a failed copy of the old one the MAC OSX Tiger and it can't even compete with that one .. so how about Leopard? Uninstall Vista, Feed the installation CD to the hungry dogs :)
------------------------------------ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Vista is bad, really bad, slow, memory hug, and the UAC is the worst thing happened to OSs since forever "clicking five times to erase a file", and even after SP1, things didn't get that much better, aero interface is stolen and available as a free theme to XP, networking is pure crap with older peers "Netbios probles, no network discovery, has to type IP address instead of names on most cases".
Vista is a mess, I know it, Microsoft know it and almost everyone on earth know it. No thank you, will not buy vista, I'm waiting for the next release of MS's OS.
XP is the most successful OS ever made my microsoft.
Ubuntu "or whatever distro you're using" is something nice to play with, but if you have a problem, you'd better be a computer geek or you're really in deep ****. :), it's free, it has everything, it's solid and fast, welcome to Linux
Didn't install Leopard , so I'll not say anything about it, but you can get it from here
Al OSs are great!! "except of vista :)" , it's just your needs that define what's better than the other., if you'd ask me, I love linux more than everything else on earth :) just kidding, but that doesn't mean that it's the best , it's only the best when I need it to be, otherwise I'm running my software on XP since there's no version for my beloved one, eventually, I'll abandon the dark lands of MS and go to the light "linux".
VMware is a perfect way to test an OS before installing it, I have installed fedora, ubuntu, BT3, XP, Server 2k3, server 2k8 on my machine :) the host is XP, I'm triple booting "Linux BackTrack, XP, and server2003".
Thank you God for teaching humankind how to compile Linux among *everything* else.
I guess you could do it if you are techie. But frankly it will not be worth it to use as some features maybe disabled and some software may not run.Experimenting is OK but using for production would be a No.
Can Leopard be installed on PC? i know there's a way to do it but is it worth it?
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Thexonic I can understand your obsession with ubuntu, But you have to consider an OS from the perspective of all its users. Where Third party software is concerned windows beats ever one. There is a difference between working and vendor supported. The results are the opinions of more than one person and definitely not a bunch of crap.
this is a bunch of crap. they didnt do their researches right.
In all of the above Linux ubuntu is the best.
Installation is the easiest one of all. Definetly much easier than mac.
Almost all the drivers are supported.
Third party software, most of them work on linux aswell. I am using office 2003, msn messenger and other windows programs on it. They work fine.
not sure about networking.
It's always the small things that make big differences.