By luvtodrive •
THE VALUE OF A WOMEN IN ISLAM: Be careful if u mak a woman cry, Becoz Allah counts her tears -*- A woman wz creatd frm a mans rib(Adam). Not frm his feet 2b walkd on, not frm his head 2b superior over,but frm his side 2b equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart 2b loved
But God does not ask anybody to pay a fee to give someone in marriaged...
that really confuse me..; Who invented that thing?....
I really like this!
tra la la
You could just ask who created the universe that is without God in the same vein!
Top scientists, still have no reason/understanding/explanation of how the universe came into being (the big bang is just part of it, what about before that?). Scientifically, it is just as valid to say something always was eternally (eg God) as it is to say something always wasn't eternally (eg the non-matter not-existing before the big bang).
So either we go back all the way and say who created God, or we go back all the way and say who created the mechanism for creating the universe. Either way, it's hard work thinking about it! Either way, something has to have existed eternally for there to be a universe (either God or something else).
lol oops sorry ppl.......my fault
so beautiful thread but here comes the tornado...
GOD is the alpha and the omega dont they teach this in school anymore?
who created God???????.......mmmmm
God do capable to creat what He wish
Ah well it depends on how you look at the beginning of life....... one could question how it can be physically possible for a virgin to have a baby!! Heaven forbid!!
Interesting, though of course that phraseology originated from the Christian world of the Genesis text...
Earliest records are from Geoffrey Chaucers Parson's Tale, written in the 14th Century (now that is a hard book to read all the way through!!). However, it is unlikely that the idea and concept was original, and more that it had been passed through the theological discussions of the day.
Later on, in the early 1800's there was an American negro sermon (recorded by J Cone) that included:
So God put Adam into a deep sleep
And took out a bone, ah ha!
And it is said that it was a rib.
Behold de rib!
A bone out of man's side.
He put de man to sleep and made wo-man,
And men and women been sleeping together ever since.
Behold de rib!
Brothers, if God
Had taken dat bone out of man's head
He would have meant for women to rule, hah!
If he had taken a bone out of his foot,
He would have meant for us to dominize and rule.
He could have made her out of back-bone
And then she would have been behind us.But, no, God Almighty, he took de bone out of his side
So dat places de woman beside us.
Hah! God knowed his own mind.
Behold de rib!
which is another variation. Then, it is even in Christian books on marriage from the last 40years, and is often used in modern books as well.
But is has spread around the world from a rural English village over 600 years ago!
Anyways its religious matters , nO offence
take care !!
Justice delayed , is the justice denied ...
Everthing is possible for Allah Almighty , Allah is the creator of the Universe .. if Hazrat-esa (aleh salam) can born without father (without male sperm) , so how can u say "Its not physically possible to grow another human being from someones rib"
Justice delayed , is the justice denied ...
yes but how was Eve made from Adams rib ffs?? Its not physically possible to grow another human being from someones rib...surely.....
woman always have respected and honourable level in the community , from the day when my beloved prophet Muhammad SAW issues the basic rights for Womans , but we people always try to violate them ...
well its your personal matter , but i suggest you always pray for your ex in good way , try not to go with the hard feelings , always be happy and live a good life
Allah Almighty bless you , Ameeen
humbly dedicated to all the men who made women to shed tons of tears!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
luvtodrive agree with you, the punishment should be equal as the gender matter.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
my ex always make me cry...
until now...
well , you make me to think over again and again ... that "What if women makes man cry"
okay you people drop your own opinions , i'll start first
she must be punished in the same way Bcoz , Man and Woman are equal in justice of Allah ... so wat is yours ??
Good one Darude
Syed Qadeer
to die if he will cry.
"Make a difference or make way"
Thats really lovely.....
thank you for such honorable value to a woman.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Yep ur rite.
On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
What if women makes man cry ;-)
Syed Qadeer
that was oh so beautiful , thank you
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Really liked it