Why to go Vegetarian?

1. Because heart disease begins in childhood.
Meat has no fiber but is laden with fat and cholesterol
2. Because a vegan diet reverses heart disease.
3. Because eating meat and dairy products makes you fat.
As a nation, we’re getting fatter, and the Atkins diet has only made matters worse because it only works in the short term. Only 2 percent of pure vegetarians are obese
4. Because you shouldn’t have to lie to your kids about the food you eat.
Children would be horrified to learn about the cruelty and violence involved in turning chickens, pigs, and other animals into nuggets and other “foods.”
5. Because in every package of chicken, there’s a little poop.
6. Because meat is filthy and bloody.
There are more than 50 million cases of meat-related foodborne illness every year in the US, thousands of which lead to death. Animals accumulate dangerous chemicals in their flesh and fat including dioxins, antibiotics, pesticides and even the most toxic form of arsenic.
7. Because it isn’t fair.
Killing other animals is an act of exploitation and violence, and we do it only because we have the power to.
8. Because no living creature wants to see her family slaughtered.
9. Because eating meat and dairy products causes impotence.
10. Because you wouldn’t eat your dog.
11. Because mad cow disease
12. Because it’s violence that you can stop.
We may feel powerless to stop war or other forms of violence, but we can choose not to support slaughterhouses by rejecting flesh foods.
13. Because no one should have to kill for a living.
14. If you’re eating meat, you are paying others to commit acts so cruel that if committed against dogs or cats.
15. Because no animal deserves to die for your taste buds.
16. Because the grain used to feed animals could be used to feed hungry people.
Eighty percent of U.S. agricultural land is used to raise chickens, pigs, and other farmed animals; seventy percent of grains are used to feed them.
17. Because more than half of all water used in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food.
A totally vegetarian diet requires 300 gallons of water per day, while a meat-eating diet requires more than 4,000 gallons of water per day.
18. Because you can’t eat meat and call yourself an environmentalist.
19. Because they’re defenseless.
20. Because when animals feel pain, they scream, too.
21. Because they don’t want to die.
Animals value their lives as much as humans do.
22. Because they feel fear.
23. Because no matter how you slice it, it’s still flesh.
24. Because commerce is no excuse for murder.
25. Because Animals on factory farms are crammed into so little space that many of them are unable to do anything natural to them for their entire lives.
26. Because this is not what wings are for.
Chickens, pigs, and other farmed animals never get to breathe fresh air, feel the sun on their backs, build a nest, nuzzle their young, or do anything at all that they were born to do.
27. Because everyone wants to be free.
28. Because eating fish doesn’t make you a vegetarian.
29. Because might doesn’t make right.
In our moral development as a species, we’ve reached the point where it’s time to recognize that other species deserve consideration, just as we finally recognized that slavery was wrong, that women deserved the vote, and that children should not be abused as a method of child rearing.
Still having doubts???????
Strongest animals on earth like Elephant and Rhino are vegetarian.
And Khali –The Great (WWE Champion) is also vegetarian as well…!!!!!!!!!
The list of Famous Vegetarians
Check out these names, you might be surprised...
Franz Kafka
Charlotte Bronte
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Sir Isaac Newton
Mahatma Gandhi
George Bernard Shaw
Leo Tolstoy
Mark Twain
H.G. Wells
Henry Ford
Charles Darwin
William Wordsworth
Thomas Edison
Albert Schweitzer
Vincent Van Gogh
Martin Luther
Clara Barton
Peter Gabriel
Kate Bush
Brad Pitt
Alec Baldwin
Pamela Anderson
Steve Martin
Cathy Dennis
Edwin Moses
Martina Navratilova
Bill Pearl (Bodybuilder)
Alicia Silverstone
Eric Stolz
Jennie Garth
Liv Tyler
Dennis Weaver
Michael J. Fox
Jerry Seinfeld
Brigitte Bardot
Dustin Hoffman
Virginia Madsen
Anthony Perkins
David Duchovny
Richard Gere
Natalie Portman
Ricki Lake
Ted Danson
William Shatner
Tommy LaRussa
Billie Jean King
Joe Namath
Boy George
Vanessa Williams
Drew Barrymore
Demi Moore
Betty White (Golden Girls)
Rue McClanahan
Naomi Watts
Amitabh Bachchan -Indian Superstar voted Asia’s sexiest vegetarian male
Yes Canary, the meaning of the symbols are Peace, Happiness, Love.
No hidden meanings there :)
(a bit) heehee...
just looking at the you posts you have a ban the bomb sign a smiley and a black heart - any meaning to this??
The last food to go off my non veg diet is fish....and i will do that soon....
Fran, you've just put me off my spinach tart :(
Won't eat anything that used to have a face, a mother or used to poo. And idea of eating something like a prawn where you eat erm everything including where it used to poo FROM is vomit inducing. Bleuch :)
How much grain consumed by you to turn into 50-60 or what-so-ever KG?
Now I think you will agree that it is not myth.
It's a myth, especially as now the alternative to fuel is using oil groin plants.
There is not enough vegetables being produced in the world to feed everyone and if thre was they would burn it to keep the prices high.
To each there own but I disagree heartily.
I have read and followed the whole but thank you for reminding me.
Your doubt of what will happen if everybody turns vegetarian????????has already been discussed and explained. Please check the thread.
It's a lifestyle choice. But our style should not be life thretening to other creature that is want I want to say.
While referring to "Sin" I am not referring to any religion.
Before eating any food I am not referring to any religious books or following eating habits of prophets belongs to my religion. My religion gives full freedom to think and choose right path.
If everyone was a vegetarian there would not be enough to feed the world, fruit and vegetables are now more expensive than meat.
To be honest with globalisation, and taking China into consideration there is no longer enough food to go around and we are talking about well fed Western nations, who are beginning to feel the pinch of the purse when it comes to good food.
The many calamities around the world such as typoons etc. are killing natural resources, such as growing rice which is a main food enhancement in the whole world.
As you say it is a choice.
blood. But of course, it is man's choice what food to it. As long as he does not violate the generic law of not eating the source of life, which is blood, then he can eat anything as he pleases.
And man became health-conscious also, so it is really a matter of lifestyle choice, I agree with Diamond
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
It's a lifestyle choice, I agree.
Cruelty... is a fundamental sin, and admits of no arguments or nice distinctions.
We are hooked on a meat-centered diet because of the illusion of cheap grain. Over 70% of grain in USA is fed to livestock. This is most inefficient it takes sixteen pounds of grain yield to yield 1 pound of beef. Six pounds of grain produce 1 pound of pork and 3 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of chicken.
If the whole world were vegetarian there is enough grain to feed 11 billion people. The current population is 6 billion.
The total cattle herd in the world is 1.3 billion head; total weight of the animals exceeds the weight of humans on earth.
Global warming would be reduced considerably if meat consumption were reduced. The contribution to global warming by automobiles is insignificant compared to the use of energy for feedstock.
72% of the grain the US produces is fed to animals raised for slaughter.
That amount of grain could feed the entire planet.
Certainly food for thought (no pun intended :)
Well, I thought that I may starve to death as I am vegetarian....LOL
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Actually Shreeya, if everyone was a vegetarian then it would be easier to feed the world.
You can give your body all it's nutritional needs without eating animals/birds/fish.
I was brought up an omnivore and ate what my parents ate. I became a veggie as an adult.
My children can decide what they want to eat when they are older. But as a parent it is my responsibility to feed them in the best way possible. Much of our food is organic too.
If the whole world turns vegetarian then we 'll surely starve to death. Do we have enough grains to feed the whole world?
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
I am not here to turn you vegetarian.....just to give a thought.......we are human beings and blessed by god to think right and wrong.
I strongly believe that.....if slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.
"..to eat anything with the face"..
..that was a good one...lol..
I think that there are many things in meat and fish that our body needs. I don't eat a ot of either but every now now and then crave for fish or a piece of meat.
However, to each their own, but your children eat what you give themy the don't have the power to decide yet.
I agree Qatarisun. I'm a vegetarian and so are my husband and children. We are not typical of our omnivore environment but feel it is the right choice both ethically and nutrionally (is that a word?)for us.
I point blank refuse to eat anything with a face.
To be vegetarian is not about not eating meat.. it’s about not killing animals …including fish and birds btw…
..it's a moral concept at the first place...not the physical one..
you missed out Adolf Hitler - he is famous and was a vegetarian....
Quoting Geechee:"Any human who killed an animal with his or her bare hands and dug into the raw corpse would be considered deranged"
OMG ! Now I know why the world is goin crazy. I better see a shrink ASAP, coz I do the same thing once or twice a month( not to mention my mouth watering at the sight of corpses by roadside)
arguement really. And as Abu said, Humans are Omnivores, we can eat both types of food.
If yer think meat is murder, fine, thats yer opinion and yer fully entitled to it.
One day we will die, so whether yer only eat veggies and live an extra 6 months is irrelevant.
Many non vegan children are suffering from more critical health problems from being raised on meat diets that doesn't makes news it proves that it is rare to find unhealthy vegan. There are multitudes of vegans in India where vegetarianism is a way of life, and they are as healthy and robust as non-vegetarians
Any human who killed an animal with his or her bare hands and dug into the raw corpse would be considered deranged. Carnivorous animals are aroused by the scent of blood and the thrill of the chase. Most humans, on the other hand, are revolted by the sight of raw flesh and cannot tolerate hearing the screams of animals being ripped apart and killed. The bloody reality of eating animals is innately repulsive to us, more proof that we were not designed to eat meat.
Ask yourself: When you see dead animals on the side of the road, are you tempted to stop for a snack? Does the sight of a dead bird make you salivate? Do you daydream about killing cows with your bare hands and eating them raw? If you answered "no" to all of these questions, congratulations;you're a normal human herbivore;like it or not. Humans were simply not designed to eat meat. Humans lack both the physical characteristics of carnivores and the instinct that drives them to kill animals and devour their raw carcasses.
Geechee_bu you are quite right..
The baby with Apple & rabbit almost clinched the issue. But still people are used to different food habits.
Non veg food stays in the stomach for upto 48 Hrs while veg food is digested with in 6-12 hrs.
evidence shows that our anatomy favors the digestion of plant foods, and we're healthier when we eat less animal foods, what do we make of the fact that we're capable of eating animals? It's simple: We have the ability to eat a wide variety of foods as a survival mechanism. The fact that we can eat just about anything, including meat, is very handy, from a biological point of view. But the fact that we're able to doesn't mean that we're designed to. The evidence for this is that our biology is similar to that of other herbivores, and the more animal foods we incorporate into our diets, the more our health suffers. In fact, it is rather specious to claim that humans are natural meat-eaters considering how poorly we fare when we do so.
Bacon if yer have any spare.
Humans are designed to eat both Meat and Veggies, so everyone will be happy.
i am carnivore....i am non-veg....
i cannot resist steaks...grills..bbqs...
i just love it...
should i put the list of famous non.veg....??????
you will be double shocked.....
If you look at what you do not have in life;
You don't have anything.
If you look at what you have in life;
You have everything.
You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I'll buy you a new car.
Who wants to eat that Rabbit food......