Why are some HR in Qatar been bias in teams of recruitment?

Good morning every one here,
Please i have question at the same time advice to some Hr in Qatar company,when they invite you for an interview,you merited the job,you did well for the interview but because you are not from Indian nationality or Philippine they will denied you the job,
Especially when an Indian man is the Manager of the company or Philippine
Please i want to say, Qatar is a loving and peaceful country,
We should not recruit base on sentiment,
we should maintain the good name of this country Qatar. thanks
Seven years passed, seems the situation prevail
But after a month . we got a better paying job by the help of God.
This is very true. My wife was called for an interview by a well known bank here in Qatar by an Indian four years ago. She went did the interview and was told to wait there would be a call. this was 2012 Ramadan month. We did not want to disturb the interviewer during the holly moth so we waited patiently for it to pass. After the holly moth passed I advised my wife to call and inquire if there was a chance. Yes she called the Indian and he said we still wait. After more two weeks we decided to go and check the out come. when we went there we were shocked. The manager of the bank told her that he called for her four weeks ago and that he was told she was not available , he was told my wife went back to our country and he was given a replacement of an Indian lady. what is this. we went even to the main office but all I vain.
This is very true. My wife was called for an interview by a well known bank here in Qatar by an Indian four years ago. She went did the interview and was told to wait there would be a call. this was 2012 Ramadan month. We did not want to disturb the interviewer during the holly moth so we waited patiently for it to pass. After the holly moth passed I advised my wife to call and inquire if there was a chance. Yes she called the Indian and he said we still wait. After more two weeks we decided to go and check the out come. when we went there we were shocked. The manager of the bank told her that he called for her four weeks ago and that he was told she was not available , he was told my wife went back to our country and he was given a replacement of an Indian lady. what is this. we went even to the main office but all I vain.
Another reason may be ..An Indian or Phillipines national will be a cheaper resource for the company ..
Some roles are specific for some nationalities ..
Or did you had an excellent interview ?
How you know you met their requirements in the CV ? Are you self proclaiming that you were the best for the Job ?
My advice: if you think you lost that job out of discrimination. Go to a higher level personnel and challenge your case. TRUST ME. It will blow a whistle. And TRUST ME again, in most cases you will find someone to listen to you and adopt your case.
It is not just nationality that is involved. Religion also plays its part. I have been a victim of it. However, there are educated and very broad-minded people who do not get carried away by the nationality of religion factor when hiring someone. Such employers are not so commonly found around.
hmm, some HR asks GCC experience from freshers... ha hah
and some want to recruit a professional but they require an irrelevant qualification at the interview... feel ashamed on them
you made a point and experience they say is the best teacher no one can dispute what my experience is no matter how bad they feel about it, our discussion is not limited to Indians and Philippine's alone because I have work in a company here in Qatar that top officials bring in there fresh graduated son to have training in our project for three months after the training he suddenly become staff and his basic salary is more than my total package, am talking about the western citizens.
some will call you on phone just to ask you your nationality and hand off the phone,it is very bad we should see our self like one nation and forget issue of nationality and be real for once.thanks
thanks for all your respond i really appreciate this forum because of the maturity and the kind of people here,but the truth still remains,am talking from experience,i have my own job,for example my wife is under my sponsorship,she has bsc in accounting,good experience both in home country and Qatar,she stop her for job because of her driving school,now she is almost through going for several interview,she notice that Philippine lady interviewed her,she did not attend to her good because she is not from there,they only invite my wife just to say other nationality came for the interview but is her Philippine she want to employ,same apply to an Indian man too it happens several times not only my wife many people have the same complain.all am saying that the people should employ base on merit not nationality,somebody that merited the job should be given not base on nationality that is my point of view.Qatar is a nice place to leave and we should make the environment for friendly and stop given Qatar bad image or name.
@brite Agreed.
Let's be honest here.
Forget about Indian or Philippines or UK or Australia etc.
Bias does happen is some instances.
Some candidates are invited to interviews to make up the numbers or so that HR can show that a cross section was interviewed.
And in the case where he found your nationality from your cv he cant council your appoint he just prepared himself that you wont get that job as long as he is going to be among the judge. this happens to me several times, they really need to change there ways because what goes around surely comes around.
sunday123 is right its always writhen all over there face that they don't want, by the time you give them accurate response to there questions they begin to ask you irrelevant questions, more so in some cases the interviewer don't know which nationality is coming for the interview except the post is reserved for specific nationality.
Why would they wasting their time inviting you for interview and then rejected you based on your nationality? They could have simply ignored your application.
How did you know they are biased? Were there Indian or Phillipine candidates who also passed the interview? Maybe you are too expensive or the other candidates were willing to take peanuts.
I think it all depends on how the interview or meeting went and not really based on the race or origin of the interviewee. I do understand that sometimes, having the same race as the interviewer does help in some degree. But I think 90% depends on how you fit into the team you will be working with, job responsibilities and your experience.
Yes, some HR personnel are biased towards their own nationality. However, I have found that on the whole things are getting better.
it is your own perception of HR recruitment. there are circumstances why u were not selected for the job. better luck next time then.