Where shall i go now????

By Jon Daniel •
after 6 months of chasing (the wall real estate) for my security cheuque they issued me a post dated cheuqe. now the date they put in my cheuqe has come to its due date, my dilema has come to reality NO FUNDS...where shall i go now??? the cheuqe has bounced......
To forgive is divine .....
Tue, 25.02.2014, 08.00 hrs ...
fubar: i agree; however, when I slow down for a Land Cruiser that's climbing the divider and going between trees to do a U-turn on C-ring road (yes hilarious I know lol), I am merely trying to save my beloved car from crashing into a 2+ ton monster. The generosity is involuntary haha
Thelo: first of all, hi, long time no see:-)..i've not been on QL in a while since the new layout was too off putting lol. Our intent here is for OP to get his money back the easiest way. A couple of calls might be better to try first before driving around for reports/letters and stuff. Lazy people like me always prefer the easy way out lol.
You must respect the rules of your host country. Expecting that people should be kind and generous to you while you break the law is simply ridiculous.
Agree to mr mohdata
before you go the police route, i suggest you call the estate office and tell them the cheque has bounced and that you intend to report it to the police; I'm almost sure they will beg you to come and take cash immediately; you won't even need to do the whole reporting to Capital exercise. Best of luck
From what I learnt from other sources, once you present the letter from the bank to the police, the police blocks the bank account of that person or the company and also stops the person from leaving Qatar. However, in my case, the matter did not reach that stage and the person paid up.
Good luck , JD.
Mon, 24.02.2014 , 11.15 hrs ...
Ok then I will do the same... Inshallah this time I hope police could be of help. Thanks QL.
Ok then I will do the same... Inshallah this time I hope police could be of help. Thanks QL.
If the check has bounced due to lack of funds, go to the bank and they will issue you a letter. Take this letter to the police who will take action. I faced a similar problem and after I got the letter from the bank, the issuer of the dead check came running over to me and paid the money.
go to CID
Don't give up !!!! Go back to Capital Police, they WILL help you. Do you have a note from the your bank declaring cheque : NO FUNDS ; show that to policeman also.
It worked for me, twice !!
all appreciated...but I had experienced already going to capitol police during the time I was chasing this real estate and the only thing they've done was a call. they just made a call ton the real estate office and nothing happened..seems helpless from me...anyway, all of u is appreciated. Thanks a lot...
JD, Call the ' real estate ' person & warn him that you are serious ......
Mon, 24.02.2014 , 10.28 hrs ...
police and bank will fine them also
go to capital police..give the complaint..there is a section for PDC cheques