
By nishantvshah •
Hi Guys,
me and my wife both have been diagnosed with infection in the urinary tract. Looks like the water we are using (AL rayyan) might be the culprit.
anyone has similar experiences? Is safa / AL manhal better ???
Am I missing something here ?
Isn't Al-Rayyan actually bottled water ?
Rather than post here, ask your Doctor about the cause and the cure.
FYI, water doesnt cause Urinary tract infection. But still to be safe, Use bottled water.
UTI doesn't come from drinking water. Didn't your doc tell you that? Or did you just make this story up to tell your wife after picking up the UTI and passing it on to her?!!
Home remedy - Drink cranberry juice, lots of it, for a couple of weeks. Oceanspray is the brand to look for in Carrefour.
it should not be because of the water or al rayyan...
I suggest dont change the water...but try changing that doctor if you cannot find the cure soon !!
Urinary Tract Infection CANNOT be caused by the TYPE of water you drink.
But not drinking enough water can increase your odds of getting it.
It CAN be caused by swimming/bathing in contaminated water - especially in women.
Tap water in Qatar is so heavily treated and chlorinated that virtually NOTHING can survive in it. It is one of the safest waters on Earth!
Why do you use plastic bottles and contaminate the environment???
You deserve what you got.. Sorry to be blunt but that's the truth.. Use a water filter at home....
I think the above comment is right! consult first... thousands of people are drinking al rayyan water, yet very few complains...
try to get some lebanese water from carefour or giant stores ,
where u will find less minerals in the water ..
Drink Nestle brand water.
never heard of a urinary tract infection from drinking bad water. kidney infection is more likely.
Did the doctor say it was the water? It's not uncommon for a husband and wife to pass a urinary tract infection on to the other through "matrimonial duties" as it is just a bacterial infection.
Iam interested in you now. Will you think, a GAY interested in a female.
Sorry for hijacking the thread.
Iam going to sleep volley. Good night.
thanks for the comment
he might be saved the water for long time, i can read from his topic that he has small family.
The infection might mostly due to fungus or any other organism..Both of you need to be treated together..Drinking less water could be a reason..And lack of hygiene, wrong cleaning method, lowered immunity, etc..
Please consult a "General Medicine" specialist who could guide you in the matter..
Mostly it goes away in few days with the right treatment.
why are you stalking uranus HCAS?? this forum has nothin to do with your repressed sexuality. i dont think this is going to be a successful strategy for you to find interested men.
Its really waste of water. Sorry i didnt like the video.
Is that man uranus in the video
it could be "pissed" off employee didn't get his annual bonus....or they hired this man in the video below :P
No, never ever think of upgrading to a EUROPEAN BRAND. Please. I fear WATER FLU will start.
Where do you think the Al Rayan water comes from? That nice bubbling spring in the middle of the town? I think it might be time to upgrade to a European brand.
i dont use the tap water dude. Al Rayyan is the water brand we buy to drink.
@saeedkan... the infection was diagnosed by a doc only. i just wanted to make sure its not the water giving issues.
Don't EVER drink the water. It's ok for washing, but that is it. Don't cook with it either.