Vehicle Loan in Qatar

By sheenkahar •
Anyone can advise me from where I can get Vehicle finance.
I am currently working in Qatar from last 6 Months but my company is not listed in any bank and our sponsor is not interested in listing our company. I have my current account with QNB where my salary is credited. I have cheque, bank statement etc..
If any one can advice any firm can provide vehicle finance.
Thank you
Continue taking lift from the colleagues or passers by till you save enough to by a used car for 25 k Riyals ......... for peace of mind ........... don't take loan ......... in case you need to lkeave Qatar atonce you will be held back plus a mountain of troubles will drop on your head ................... never borrow from a bank ......... instead ask you boss to give you support of 10K and remaining you save for six months then take a car ...............
Qatar Finance or Al Jazeera Finance