unfit to work
By janmarquee •
Hi I need help. Went for medical screening and my employer only got the results 2 weeks after that. The medical certificate only shows "Unfit to Work". Now I am in limbo as to what's wrong with my health cuz the reason is not indicated on the certificate why i deemed unfit to work. Kindly advise on my next move and i appreciate all the help i can get from everybody.
we have same situation? what happen to you? need advise...thanks
You need to focus less on what they were supposed to do or should have done and go yourself with your PRO to find out. If you want to work in Qatar you have to be proactive even if it means doing someone else's job for them. That's just the Gulf.
ok thanks teyob. but aren't they supposed to indicate the reason on the medical certificate? The company PRO already asked and left without answers so he asked for re-screening and Medical Commission said that i can do it only once. If i were a carrier of contagious disease then they should have already ordered my deportation but they did NOT.
You have to check with the Medical Commission personally