Type 1 Diabetes in Child age 15
By mansoorjalam •
I would highly appreciate if anyone can give me advice or share his or her experiences in controlling type 1 Diabetes in children with or without Insulin. Any local or home made remedies tried with positive results.
Anyone knows about Stem cell treatment for type 1 diabetes in children (my child is 15). Or some one knows some one who has undergone such a treatment.
Thanks & Regards
Mansoor Alam
[email protected]
YAZLEB, thanks for your detailed response and advice.
Best Regards
Mansoor Alam
Im presuming that your child had diabetes for quite a while without being diagnosed, which is usually the case. There is NO alternative to keeping type 1 diabetes under control other than insulin injections im afraid. you can control type 2 diabetes with diet & exercise.
Please keep your childs diabetes under control the correct way otherwise you can harm other organs in the body.....such as kidneys & heart.
Your child is also at the "teenage hormonal" stage where their blood sugars can elevate quite erratically without any reason. Also growth spurts in children cause their blood sugars to shoot up & illness will also heighten the blood sugar.
learn to accept that they now have diabetes for life!
change the way u think, change the foods you buy, remember its not just about sugars but also carbohydrates. Once u accept that THATS IT, stop looking for alternative medicine & concentrate on how you can make your childs life more "normal" without fussing in front of your child. Get your wife to learn new foods to cook which u can ALL eat. Once u accept, u can adapt accordingly & your child will HAVE a normal life. My grandmother died at age 79 she had diabetes, her life was normal, she had 2 children & a wonderful husband & also worked. BTW stem cell treatment is only effective at the moment if the patient hasnt had diabetes for more than 6 weeks! Also not every1 is suitable for this treatment ( about 45% of people with diabetes are suitable) plus its still under going trials in the UK, but not sure about Germany who have also done trials in this case.