Translation Needed-Tint Permit

Greetings to all,
I would like to ask what was written in the photo attahced.
I went to Matar Qadeem Traffic Dept and ask for tint permit and the counter gave this document and told me to go to technical inspection and comeback to him for the permit.
Is it necessary to go to inspection for the permit or the counter misunderstood me?
Any helpful info will be highly appreciated.
Ok. You asked for tint. The police dept official wrote "tinted .. or to be tinted.. on the two back sides "doors". The othe text in the photo is about your Nissan car..number..insurance..plate.etc
Permit is required, or they will ask you to remove it, get a permit and then apply the tint.
Is it necessary for the tint permit? I mean the car must be inspected?
To use by the general traffic department this what written.
There are many shops that do this job. Just contact any of them and they will advise you of the procedure. There is one I know that is located in Aziziyah just opposite Pizza Hut when you are entering from the Salwa road side. There are some shops on Shahrah Umm Dhoom in Muaither.
This is for insurance document, and the photo is not clear