Traffic violation

By arindam9144 •
Hi, tonight when crossing one of the corniche signal By mistake my front wheels crosed when yellow is blinking.I suddenly vehicle stopped but i think my front wheels crossd the line ,then I immidiately came the time it is red.I didnot had any flash, I am sure, can anyone help me that are these cameras flash or not and is it possible that i get 6000 riyal fine without flash.
No flash, no fine. If you do not get a message on your mobile within three days, you can continue to smile but do be careful while driving.
If I had a riyal for each time this question was asked on QL ....
Camera will flash, if red light was violated. Moreover, violation is crossing (moving forward) after light turning red, not yellow.
Please, never break on yellow in the traffic, or you may cause an incident, as driver behind you will, most probably, expect you to keep on moving.