Traffic Rage

Hi Guys.
I need your advice. I am sick and tired of how people drive in Qatar. Some not only make violation but appear to be very proud of them and get even firmer in their believe that violations have no consequencies.. and it is cool to be a tard on the road.
Here is a typical situation:
Say if someone did something VERY wrong to you on the road or parking spot... you made a remark.. and the guy just gave you a smirk.. or disrespectful glance...and you just feel this guy needs a real lessons... you go out.. and start "explaining".. he is not getting it.. and behaves tardish.. so you have done the "civilized part".... he does not give a rat... you get into a fight... actually for his own good so that hopefully next time he does not do it and become a better person.....
1. Do you think it would be the right thing to do to alter his behavior or set of values ?
2. How would Police treat such a case ?
Just a brief clarification... i am not talking about "gray area"... where may be it is your fault .. may be his.. I am talking about VERY OBVIOUS mistake made by other party... for which the other party appears to be proud of and firms up in his believe that screweing other people is the way to go.
That includes also other people who believe that only stupid people stand in lines and that they have "born right to go ahead of the line".
I just want to know other people opinion.
You see my friend... I dont want people treat me differently from anyone else... why should it matter if I am a Qatari or not... if you come to Canada... even if someone drives poorly and you are from Qatar... or India.. or China... or wherever else from... you can still stand for your right... so why should it be different hear ?
Try talking to him. If he doesn't listen just walk away, he'll probably do the same thing to someone like me (or a Qatari in general), and he'll get beat up because of it
Exactly ... this is the point I am trying to make.. it is sad but true.. that their loved ones also learn from their example and then they pass on bad habits... so is not that even more important to prevent this... than let it grow and span across generations ?
I wouldnt bother much about their loved ones as in all probability they would also grow up the same and someone years later would again face the same situation from them.
3. I adjust.... and I start doing wrong things too unfortunately.... but i get really pissed off when that happens while baby sitting inside the car... what is baby's fault ... I mean.. if people don't care fot themselves.. then it is their problem... but when they drive dangerously they jeoperdize their loved ones.. and the loved ones of others... something gotto happen to reverse the trend.. I'd prefer to get out of the car and explain in a civil manner... with most people it would work... but there is that small group of people who just dont get it !!
4. Can we all put cameras on our cars and start feeding violations to police ? Would not be that a swell?
Hmmmmm.... so none of you believe in the fact that some uncivilized behaviours should be addressed ?
Some answers to your posts:
1. You think police will care if I call and report a guy ? You think anything will be done about it ?
2. I can control my temper but then how with this unfortunate soul get out of his "dark ages" and wake up ? I am more thinking about him than myself. Well myself too cause I want to live in a civic society where people have basic respect toward each other.
You can only do your best
As a hot tempered person driving in Qatar has never been an easy thing to do, but I have come a long way in restraining myself getting in trouble.
All of our Qlers comments are correct, You can try to apply the Zen Driving Principles which was posted here a week ago.
Here's the link:
A real cooling agent !
I believe main traffic problem here in Qatar is allowing some nationalties to even drive.
End of Story...
He may be in the wrong when it comes to civilised behaviour, but you are in the wrong if you think this is the way civilised people should interact.
You are as bad as him if you think that violence is ever the answer to any problem.
Happens to us all.. Unisex usernames can be quite confusing!
It was other way around ...
Salaam, I realised my mistake & corrected ... thanks for waking me up ...
Don't tell me you got into a fight with Marco .
Edited ! :)
I got a solution to my Doha Traffic woes :
Get an audio book, listen it, while john Grisham or Paulo Coelho take you to their wonder land, I bet, you’ll never feel what’s happening around.
Honestly, at times I felt if the travel time could’ve been more……..:) :)
My brother cool down & need not be so serious with strangers ...
Good thing i've sold my car more worries for violations, no headache for some crazy drivers, no more unexpected feels great just to be a passenger. =)
Don't waste you time I would say. No point would be like hitting your head on the wall. Let him meet his fate elsewhere if not here which in all probability he will either with a lost limb or a face to face meeting with the creator. And law would never stand on your side.
You've got to take a deep breath, calm down, reassure yourself that the idiot who is in such a rush is very primitive and carry on with your day.
Getting into a confrontation never has a happy ending.
Talk to him politely, if he doesn't listen try to move away. If you feel he is creating an obstruction to you or harm you just by you telling him this, inform the cops. You don't have to fight.
Reality Check:
Voilence is never the answer. If the guy doesn't listen, then just walk away. Assume that he/she is thicker than he/she looks.
Police should prosecute you for initiating the violence.
More often than not the one who takes the fight to a physical and/or extreme verbally abusive level is prosecuted. Specially if the guy you chose to "teach a lesson" happens to have wasta on his side! Breaking laws to teach someone to obey the laws can be pretty ironic in such cases and best avoided. Better to be the better man and just call the cops if you have enough evidence of his/her offences.
looooooooooool guys really ive been driving here my whole life i cant see why QL members always whine about this its ok just adapt man thats how it is, live with it
driving isnt the same all over the world u know just try to go with the flow