Traffic point removal

Can you please share your experience with traffic violation points in Qatar, I want to know do traffic points ever get removed ?
Or do the points keep accumulating till you hit 14, then 12, then 10, etc
I found old forum posts (6, 9 years ago) that mention removal of points after one year, but the new wording of the law is confusing:
Please be informed that the points will be automatically deleted in the following two conditions:-
1) If the license was suspended according to the above table.
2) when the driver don't commit any traffic violation for a year from revoking his license.
3) In all conditions, times of suspension of the license will be reviewed whenever it is required.
What does point #2 mean ??
How can you commit traffic violations if the license is revoked, how are you driving without a license?! Does revoke have a different meaning than what I know ???
And where can I find the Arabic version of this law, maybe there's a mistake in translation, I would assume it's more reliable since the law is written in arabic first.
Narayan is right, thanks .........................
What I know is that once we receive traffic violation points to our driving license we need to careful for a year from the date of case registration at MOI.
Assume that we receive black point - 5 so for that very same year if we receive more points and the accumulated points reach 14 than our driving license would be revoked.
If no more points accumulated during that year than our black points would be removed automatically after that year ends (counts from the date of case registered).
But it is always better option to check with MOI.
Take it easy my pal .....................