Tenant & Landlord dispute/Issues

Our contract expired on August & we stayed there with out a contract from September till Nov 30th.
We had given one month's notice period to our owner before we vacated.
Now he is not ready to receive the house keys & he demands for the rent of December inspite we moved out on Nov 30th.
We did not submit any letter from our side mentioning our vacation , but spoke to this person over the phone.
What do we need to legally to get away from this situation with out paying the unrequired rent.
Please find anybody for this property and close the deal...
your contract has expired on august,so what to worry?.... just leave the key in door and live your life man.No need to give him that extra rent,legally he cant do anything to you.Physically.... that you take care............ If you give money for december,next month he will again ask you.......then what you will do?... same thing you apply here..........
There is no such thing as a verbal agreement in business. Taking a legal action would not gain you anything beside it being a very long and time consuming process. Suggest try and get a middle-path, pay some amount and close the chapter.