swimsuit makes you drop size without exercise

Sun, May 30 01:10 PM
London, May 30 (ANI): A new "diet in a swimsuit" helps women drop a dress size without them having to sweat out in the gym.
A blessing in disguise, the 30-pound Bhs cozzie is made of a specially developed material that tucks in tummies and boosts boobs.
Bhs scientists spent a year developing the swimsuits, which have a clever super-stretchy inner mesh of elastane and nylon to squeeze and flatten bulges into shape, reports The News of the World.
An outer layer, also of elastane, smoothes the silhouette and a padded support hoists boobs to give a sexy cleavage.
A Bhs spokesman added: "We realized ladies were fretting about showing their bodies. The collection was launched to create an immediate fix to their predicament." (ANI)
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WK, no and i don't plan to...
MJ you never saw Borat??
I thought brit looked rather fetching in the little yellow number .... much better than the airbrushed "diet" suit
gosh brit, that is so hideous! i'm gonna have nightmares now... :(
I think my Mankini is much better..
This is what they are talking about
That's all well and good, problem is, Bhs has some of the ugliest swimsuits I have seen.
brit: that was shocking! lol
I have tried it and it works...
No way! I prefer to just eat like a shark and swim like a whale. :o)
of dieting and to be smart,then they must reduce intake of calories and rich food,junk food to get back
so after it flattens the bulges into shape, does it not come back when one eats?
"create an immediate fix" not permanent. Clothing material can never make one lose weight but just make us appear slimmer.
it clearly shows that it supress and helps to reduce
yv2r, where in the article does it state that the swimsuit makes one lose weight?
It just says that the materials used in it squeeze and flatten bulges into shape and smoothes the silhouette and a padded support hoists boobs to give a sexy cleavage. That effect cannot be permanent.
it is not hiding,material of the dress Squeez n flatten the bulges.
If its hiding means once the person is out of dress back to square
Thats hiding your weight rather than losing it....