By lighthousedreamer1 •
Salam Alaykom,Hi I need a driver to hire,preferable a reliable lady driver,but maybe my husband will accept a reliable trust worthy man driver,InsheAllah.My friend said that there is Lady private taxi drivers in Qatar,but I dont know there phone num.or anything,and My friend is in London,AlhamdoAllah,and unfortunately i dont have her phone num.or anything to find out about this.Please if you know of any driver or if you are interested,please contact me,InsheAllah.Need driver for Najmaa area.Need driver to go to School,Dentist and Shopping,etc.Please only serous people contact me,InsheAllah.
if you need a lady driver im the one your looking for,just send sn email to [email protected], see yahhhhhhhhhhh.
Linah,"FOLLOW THE LIGHTHOUSE LIGHT TO ISLAM" Hi,Mariam-Mar Thank you very much,Im new here ,AlhamdoAllah,so im still learning,how to use the site.
HI!, go to Clasified ads there are drivers needs employment. Hope this helps. Salam!
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
Linah,"FOLLOW THE LIGHTHOUSE LIGHT TO ISLAM" Any lady drivers here too drive me places,(I want to hire a driver )InsheAllah.( Please ,Help )