Someone having good heart. kindly please help me?

“How many people would return a lost wallet?”
Please help me of my lost wallet?
Please whoever found my wallet please have mercy I’m begging you? Please don't ignore whoever you are found my wallet. Please help me?
Someone having good hearts please help me to find my lost brown leather card file wallet. I lost it early morning on the date of 19th of December. I knew it posting of this lost letter is like a punch in the moon.
Some of the people they will ignore but some people they will cares and concern in this post. I believe that there's still outstanding person and still have appreciation for his fellow people.
Let say’s what if someday? You need also help? What if this scenario were happen to you also? We’ve been changes situation that happening to me now?
We don’t know and we can’t say if what will happen to us and to everybody. No one knows. Only Our Creator God or Allah knows everything even thou the count of your hair. God is always watching us. Please someone can help me?
I’m begging you? All of my very important identification & Istemara of my car & pataka & bank atm card are there. My PHASE ID & my Triskelion Chapter ID is there also. I am still hoping & praying that someone will found & call me.
Please let me know immediately Have mercy on me. Please kindly inform and call me… Here’s my contact Mobile no: 55088435 & 55489743
You should report the matter to the police. If somebody had found it, he may have handed it over to the police. Also, if the wallet contained your ID or other such important items, a police report would come in helpful later on.
well man , its sad to hear that , if i had seen i would have called you ! in normal conditions its almost impossible to get it once you lost it !
anyways good luck n hope that you may find it !