Shipping House construction items to India

Dear All,
One of my friend building house in India, somebody suggested him to ship house constuction items like ceramic tiles, Bathroom fittings, Sanitary items (Bath tubs, basin etc.) bathroom accessories and other things through sea cargo since the quality is good.
Please advise, if it is worth to do or if it can be done then which would be the prefferable cargo company.
Thanks in advance.
In order to save money and time, your friend can use couplings and the hydraulic pressing equipment for joining them. It's just easier because you don't spend time understanding how is the welding generator works ( if you are not experienced), also no rods buying. My brother bought it all at last summer for the garage building.
Many of Cermaic tiling and Marble materials is imported to Qatar from India and your friend is planning to take it from here. Which will obviously cost more.
The simple answer is NO!
Your friend can surely ship material from here to India for his new home but in the end it will prove very expensive for him. It would also involve a lot of footwork. Possibly, those who have advised your friend are unaware of the costs involved. I am sure that India does produce quality items which can be had easily from the local market. Of course, having the house fitted with "imported" items would definitely make his friends and relatives comment "saalay ke pass bahut faalto paisa hai!"