shooting club info please!
Hi everyone, having spent a couple of months here last year on a project, I am now full time in qatar for 2 years. Really glad to have found this site it looks great.
I want to make the most of my time here, and i have done a bit of research about the clubs and things to do. The problem is that my research seems to have uncovered rumours of clubs etc, not their actual websites, so am hoping you guys can help.
I'd like to get invloved in sailing, fishing, camping, motorsport, off roading, and shooting.
First up - shooting - I hear there is clay shooting club somewhere. Does anyone go there already? where is it? what's the deal exactly - do foreigners have to rent a gun, or can we bring our own? what about licenses etc? and an ammo supplier?
Same thing for fishing - I have brought my boat rod and would be keen to find some fishing buddies /a club, as I don't want to go on expensive and tourist-focussed charter days out (did one last year - it was ok, but kind of like a very hot version of mackerel fishing for grockles in cornwall!). Any ideas?
many thanks and I hope to see some of you soon!