Shipping company
Hi all. I'm more of a lurker than a poster on QL, but seems there are a handful of knowledgeable folks hanging out here.
Do any of you know who is the best recommended shipping company for leaving Qatar? I'm leaving this summer and am planning now to send my shipment out.
It's heading to South America, if that's of any relevance. I'm looking for the best combination of reasonable shipping rate and reliability with handling our stuff.
Websites and contact numbers, if you know them, would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure there are a few out there, but I want to make sure I'm dealing with someone reputable. Thanks!
Thanks for the tips and contact details. I appreciate it. Cheers!
There are several cargo companies and one of them recently put its ad at QL. The name of the company is Runway International contact person Tariq Sayed email: [email protected]. I have no knowledge of their set up. From what I have read at QL from some people, their experiences in shipping have been very painful. I suggest you call some major shipping Lines such as Maersk and possibly they may be able to recommend you to one of their agents. In this way you may be able to get someone reliable. Just a suggestion, you should ship your items several weeks prior to your departure and exit Qatar when you ship has berthed in your home country. In this way if there are any problems with the cargo agent you can sort them out while you are still here. If you leave after your consignment has reached your destination, you may need to pay a small amount for delay in clearance but that is nothing compared to the hassle you will face should the consignment not reach its destination.