Senior Register Nurse and Senior Software Developer interested to relocate to Qatar

We are interested to relocate to Qatar from Canada and we currently dealing with two different employment agencies (initial process). My wife (Register Nurse) has high chance of getting a position than me, but I am willing to come to Qatar and look for something internally if my current agency hasn't found anything for me.
In the past, my wife has found couple of offers from Saudi Arabia, but they wanted her to come as a single status. I am wondering if that would be the case in Qatar too!.
is it possible that she could get a family benefit package?
is it the only husband who can get it?
we have four young girls (age 10 - 4) and I am wondering if that will make any difference to a potential employer?
If I come to Qatar and find something internally, can I negotiate a better package or I am better of applying from Canada.
Please advice,
Thanks in advance
Spirit2006, Thanks a lot for the advice and info,
Best Regards!
Hi there, I'm from Canada, and everything was arranged and SIGNED before I got on the plane to come to Doha. Many employers here (depending on the job level) will include paid housing, car allowance, and will cover part if not all of your kids' school fees. You are better off to come under your wife's sponsorship, it affords more flexibility to you, if you decide you don't like your employer, you will be able to change. If you are both sponsored by different employers, and something happens that you don't like the job, or whatever, then it means you might end up being unemployed as you can't pursue another job without a 'letter of no objection' which a lot of the companies here won't give. There are no labour unions, either, so be sure to have everything you want in writing before you make the trip.
Philbel and Moonbeam, thanks for your advice and input
Yes, negotiate everything from there. Once you get here, you won't have any negotiating power left. Make sure the package will sustain your standard of living and schooling for 4 kids. It's expensive here, and if your wife works all day, you'll need a good nanny or flexible timings.
No unions here to protect you. Canada is a great deal more civilized, so think about it well before moving.
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Many of the hospitals here offer Married Status contracts to their Nurses and allow the woman to sponsor her husband and children. Her employment agent (if he is any good) can elaborate on this information. Some employers even offer school fee assistance for children of primary school age and above. I would think that if possible, you would be better off negotiating your position and benefits from Canada.