See-king Advice :>>>

My brother is settled in States, and is green card holder... now he wants to come over here for a visit... shall i have to apply visa for him or he is free to come without any hurdle?...
As my Sister-In-Law is Native American, so i dont think so any problem for her & two of my nephews...
My brother is under the process of getting passport,hope he gets that soon.
My question is, can he travel on green card or i have to apply visit visa from here?...(He is bearer of Pakistani passport)
Is the ban for americans to apply for visit-visa is lifted? or not implemented yet!
need sincere advices...
Guys... please don't fight... I found it bit funny and so asked about the possibility...
A NorWegian with a pakistani brother
cherrukan... whats wrong with you...!no need of ur rubbish comments in my thread...
be with your thoughts...n be in ur skin!!
Anyone who enter qatar should have a valid entry visa, whatever nationalities he or she maybe. That's an ORDER! LOL
sebichan, you will find many in QL with a different Nationality in their profile. They are ashamed to post their original Nationality in the profile so please dont ask such silly questions to this virtual world. I was thinking (joking)of starting a new id with a different Nationality like Uganda or Ivory coast.
Maybe his brother was born Norwegian and applied successfully for Pakistani nationality.
Any citizen is conditioned to enter any nation in accordance with the passport he/she is holding and the protocol between that country and the one he/her wishes to visit.
Living in a third country does not wave that citizen of his/hers nationality, until he acquires and holds the country's host passport.
In short: your brother has the same rights as any other citizen holding the same passport, regardless where they live.
visa on arrival in Qatar as he is American passport holder.
Even American passport holders have to have visas to visit Qatar. Again, see the embassy in DC.
There is no ban on visit visas for Americans as far as I'm aware. He should be able to apply for a visa through the Qatar Embassy in Washington DC.
Before arriving to doha, if he gets American passport, then no need to apply visa?
yes he will need a visa before entry to qatar and he cant enter with the green card
right... :b
but m looking for sincere answers...
rEzyz, How come your brother holding a Pakistani Passport? Your brother is supposed to hold a Norwegian Passport.. Am I Right?