Resigned but ID still valid

By frienshell •
Hi all,
Hope you can help me. I already resigned from my previous company last dec. 5 2017.. On my departure going back to my country they didnt cancel my Qatar ID they just gave me exit permit.. My ID expiration is on May 1, 2018.. Can i apply for family visa or husbands visa once my current ID expire?
Thankyou in advance for your answers
3 days back you wrote like '' if should when he .... " , forgot that ?
You failed to get it clarified from the person who pointed it out to you ? As in the PIO case !!
Accha, To cover 1 excuse you will 've to make 12 more excuses. You are making your life difficult with these. It is a truth.
S, I am okay here, hope you are doing fine as well.
All I am suffering from is Accha's backbiting every now & then.
accha u r correct..
what happend to the MOLTEN??
Molten: The real reason is that I may not have received the educational qualifications or the level of understanding that pioneerpcec has. But then, I am happy with whatever I have.
You will note that unlike you, I did not comment on the query but asked for clarifications. I do not wish to misinform or misguide anyone the way you do and have been doing for several years now. You are always very quick to jump in to put in your comments ("comments" is in plural because you are not happy with writing a single comment as also in this case) whether they make sense or not.
Trust this comment of mine acts as a "choorun" as it is called in my country which would help digest your afternoon meal.
It is a CLEAR excuse.
Accha, How come PIO has understood it & gave answer ?
Even your RP expired you didn't get any visa from MOi unless Tourist. Contact your previous employer for your RP cancellation or you need NOC
Even your RP expired you didn't get any visa from MOi unless Tourist. Contact your previous employer for your RP cancellation or you need NOC
You can apply for family visa or husbands visa only with a Valid Qatar ID and you have to submit by hand and you need to be present at the immigration counter.
Also letter from company is required as part of the documents to be submitted.
Download and fill out the application form.
Attach the following documents in case of applying visa for husband:
Copies of personal ID , Passport of the resident wife and husband's valid passport.
Letter from wifes's employer citing profession and salary.
Copy of attested marriage contract.
Attach the following documents in case of applying visa for other relatives:
Copies of personal ID or passport of the sponsor and valid passport of the visitor.
Copy of sponsor's wife's passport with valid residence permit or residential tenancy contract.
Letter from employer of the sponsor citing profession and salary.
Document to prove relationship.
Your query is not very clear.