Hello QL folks,
Just wanted to get your advice on whether it is really necessary for a witness of an abduction who reported the incident to 999 over the phone TO SHOW UP TO THE POLICE STATION and REPORT it PERSONALLY. Isn't it enough that the person reported it over the phone? Why is it necessary for that person to show up (AS TOLD BY THE 999 OFFICER WHO ANSWERED THE CALL) to the police station and report it? Is this the normal procedure here (i.e., for the witness to have to go to the police station personally)? Why isn't a phone call alert enough? Please advise....
Will they act on it even if it was just done over the phone? The thing is, the 999 people called again the next day to check whether the one who reported it went to the station or not. I just hope they do something about it given that the basic info that they wanted to get was already given. Description of the car, the plate numbers, etc. etc.
An embassy contact advised the caller not to go to the station unless there was someone from the embassy who is accompanying the caller to give what was witnessed.
Should the person still go just the same?
Baedaebok... Did you finally go to the police station? Or did they act on it even from your phone call? Please advise some more.
well personal appearance is must or there are alot of prank calls. so you do need to go pay a visit and explain everything.
Coolquietman - There is a lot of crime here that goes 1) unreported 2) not taken seriously 3) hidden and not made public etc etc.
Crime seems to be on the rise here - another forum topic maybe to the reasons why?
do u mean to say there was actually some crime in doha? wow!!!1 an abduction!!!man you would have a great time telling ur friends and neighbours about
do it right - the first time!
Did you say an abduction? Who was abducted? The police always like you to visit their police station. When I was having trouble with my housemaid, I don't know how many times the police asked me to visit them. What I ended up doing with them could have easily been done over the phone.