Rental dispute

By heyguys1122 •
i have been terminated from job, im not sure ill leave doha or stay
im unable to pay next rent
I'm cancelling the flat contract, i gave them 1 month notice (informed 1 month earlier)
but now they are asking me to pay 2 months rent as penalty or i have to leave doha for sure
is it legal as per law?
Go to your embassy .
Have someone knowing Arabic read you contract or take it to one of those shops that do the translation. If you are leaving then you can tell them that and also let them know you don't have the money to pay them. If they still insist you may approach the Rental Disputes Office located very near to Holiday Villas and they may assist you.
what does your rental contract say ? most for one year expect you to pay for the whole year .... unless your RP is cancelled and you leave the country. You are lucky to have a choice to stay or go .... many don't