Rent a Car - AL Rafiden
I like to share my recent experience with rent a car...that trouble which still I am facing out!Few days ago I have rent Nissan Maxima 2011 for three days from AL RAFIDEN.
So on the day of return while taking u-turn I had small scratch on alloy rim which of course my fault! so the assistant of the rent car asked me get repair or buy or pay for that rim.when I asked how much? he replied 3000qr. I said probably the cost of rim is 3000qr but why am i charged that big amount,just deduct 500qr but why 3000qr then lame excuse new car...sponsor so on!
Then as the manager wasnt their I had decided to visit next day! And unfortunately when i visited, he said me same thing pay or get it repair. So i decided to call nissan agency to confirm the price!I looked for discount rate! I got almost 20% which I got some saving!
I called 3rd day the manager, If i purchase the RIM for him, will it be fine...but unfortunately he did hear my single word and started yelling at him for no reason! I being speaking to him nizely and he is being bad to me!
Well on forth day i went to industrial area to get the rim, meanwhile i asked someone to call and confirm whether the car still their, he said yes, still there!
SO i went directly to his office with rim and asked him to give me key, i got the rim for him! he shouted and asked me to get it in office the rim, i said come to my car, its there! he was so lazy and lame! unfortunately i went and got the rim in shop!
he said leave the rim and get ur passport n deposit in the evening.
I said no...i want the scratch rim, passport n my deposit Now!then he changed him mind immediately saying i have changed the rim already i dont want it! he asked me to return back and gve him the money! I said thats why i trying to asking you should I buy the rim!
Later I called nissan agency whether that particular changed the rim...they explained me saying No, they dont easily the rim until unless its cracked or bended or broken! why would they change whole rim for small scratch.
they are not even ready to take back the rim! I decided why should i pay 3000qr coz i got small savings, 2ndly he didnt change the rim! I still cant figure what these guy wants money whereas i am got him the rim.
so guys be careful of this rent a car...which is located in old rent! They will ripe you off! They got no manner to speak with customers!
ahan....but right now i bought the rim from nissan original and when i asked him to give me the scratch rim, he said his mind! He saying he changed the rim already n when i said him to show me then he saying car already went out within 2hrs whereas I made my friend call and ask that car is available for rent, he said yes!
Now my passport and 1100qr deposit is stuck! N i am not really getting any idea! N none is ready to help out!
The rentacar company is legally bound to place a copy of the registration card in the car at all times. I have been renting for over 2 years from various companies. Always had the car reg. copy with me. This copy is enough to make a police report.
@ azamat...for instance even i thought of doing so because i have some insurance experience but I need to have registration card which I doubt rent a car willing to give!
So i get my sponsor to speak with him! Hope something sorts out otherwise I am planning to case against the company n teach him lesson!
thank you BROCCOLI...really appreciate for ur support!:) but be careful of such rent a cars! because i dint experienced such people in life!
You are paying for your ignorance. This is what you should have done on hindsight -
1. Go to the nearest traffic police and make an accident report. Will cost you 120 qr/- and you might have to wait a week (since no second party is involved).
2. Give the (own-fault accident) report to your rentacar and ask them to deduct your accident insurance excess. It would have been less than 3000qr. Most rentacars charge between 1500-2500 accident insurance excess.
It is illegal for a rentacar company to demand repair money from you. The cars are insured. They can only ask you to produce an accident report, and then deduct accident insurance excess mentioned on the contract. The amount is fixed, regardless of the amount of damage / loss.
to avoid the pain, charge it to experience. its a big and hard earn money.just believe in karma, culprit will be punish more than what they got from you. your experience could be lesson to everyone. that big mouth manager is trying to swindle you, whoever he is, think that you feed his hungry stomach and his family..just pray and have peace of mind..think on positive side..they will suffer much on what you feel in da contract their is nthing mentioned if i met wud ny scratch or smthing i'll reliable or smthing...only mentioned if only i met wud accident im reliable to pay 2500qr or more depend of the type of car! then its full insurance coz its 2011 model car!
these are the big amounts you pay for small mistakes. Its obvious that its your fault and they want to make more money out of this.
first thing you always should do is read the contract carefully while renting the car. Most of these cars would have a comprehensive insurance anyways.