Relationship Help
By ariannaterrance •
I am a Christian woman living here in Qatar and I fell in love with a Muslim man.
He says that he does not care if I convert to Islam or not, but I feel that it would show that I truely care and love him if I did.
What should I do?
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it all depends on your decision Ariann...and let love work its mysterious ways...
"there are no mistakes...just lessons learned"
I think you should convert to muslim or he should left the Muslim religion and convert to Christian. its better to have the same religion with your partner in this way you will have the same faith.
If you love him, follow ur heart. From Christian to Muslim is a huge change. You will be marrying the man, not the religion.
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
i'll say, religion is non existent long time ago.
on when it did begin, i have no idea whatsoever.
only thing i am sure, it makes simple things complicated.
can't we live a life without religion?
Does religion really matters to you then why at the first place enter into a relationship!
It is your personal call....mutually agree or compromise decide before marriage.
Pray to god for guidance and trust your heart. Reflect on what marriage means and give a thought to your future if you do not convert and have children. This seems to be the biggest problem in these relationships. You may both be secure in your individual faiths, but your children may suffer.
Sorry to bring in a down point , just want to be a sincere advisor to you.
ur previous avatar was better :)
You mean snuggle upto her?
Kaput is looking for snuggies help her.
On a serious note - Ask yourself this question - Is he worth it? If yes;it really doesn't matter what you can or cannot do to be with him.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I was not thinking those... so make that 25 million and 2 :-P
like walking on a ramp doing cat walk??
or jumping from Qtel tower?
"would show that I truly care and love him if I did"
and you think converting to Islam is the only way of showing it?
There are 25 million other ways of showing it.
well said
If you really love him, marry him.
It is as simple as this.
You can converter if you wish, however it is not a must….
Just follow your hart,
if he loves you to be his wife that is alright religion doesn't matter but before going in process of marriage u both have to understand each others cultural respects and make predecision of where u both have to live.
Converting BECAUSE YOU'RE IN LOVE with the SOMEONE is NOT REALLY a valid point. It is your belief and faith that should be the major factor why you want to convert.
Ok, let's say you converted to your BF's religion: what if in the long run, you guys broke up? You mean, you will go back to your former religion?
What is BF doing to prove his love for you?
JM28 asked you a Question whether THIS BF has any plans of marrying you. or maybe he's just using you.
Be they say, love is blind.
convert if you think it pleases him. This is part of anything you do to please him. At the end religion doesn't matter but your peace and happiness....
He loved you the way you are, you don't have to change a thing about you!
However; I recommend to read about Islam to get to know it,even if you don't convert, you'll learn how things works for a better long-lasting relationship!
& I'm happy for you!!! Real love nowadays is kinda rare to find !
''Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. 'Discover''
Mark Twain
are you crazy!!
Arian, Ask your uncle for advice..coz believe me he have
the best solution on this matter.
The one who stays calm is the one who is in control
They will exchange "colors", arainnaterrance.
Who said anything about being Egyptian Boston?
What would happen when a Red Quark and a Green Quark love eachother though?
please do not revert for love, marriage or friendship. if you want to convert into any religion, take your time, study about that religion, once you satisfied yourself, then you can proceed for reverting to Islam.
Otherwise dont do it.... as your thread it is very well known that, you are in deep love with him... in my opinion religion doesnt matter at all...
wishing you a successfull marriage life...
Especially not, when he is an Egyptian!
Even if he plans to marry doesn't mean that he is going to marry you!
before you think of converting, ask him first if he plans to marry you and ask him to let you meet his parents... from that point you can think of converting or not
anyways, in true love, religion should never be an issue...
boston is correct, just show him that you really love and care.
If you convert you will please yourself first and you may marry this man.
He has the right to ask you to convert and you have the right to accept or no.
If a christian woman fall in love with a muslim man then they can marry and the Muslim man should not force her.
But really if you love him you should tell him that you are willing to know about Islam, then you can marry him and who knows maybe you will convert.
You can marry him and he should not force you at all.
Because you dont deserve to be pleased by me.
to please every one???
yet you havent pleased me here on QL why??
I dont care about pleasing people . I know I have the ability to please everybody , it's just if their worthy of being pleased or not is the question.
Do not convert to please people. Religion is not about pleasing people. Its about pleasing GOD!
Get him. Marry him.
You convert or you dont convert thats upto you.
He knows I care.
And hes open to Christianity. I dont really care about the religion aspect in relationships .. Its not quite my forte
Convert if you believe in Islam otherwise plenty of ways to show that you care.
have u asked him if he would want to convert as a Christian to show that he truly care and love u?
Show him in other ways that you care!