Reflections 2010 - Accomplishments
It has been a life changing year for me. I am 38 and felt it was getting too late to take control of my life.
I started taking care of myself, started standing up for myself,stopped being the maid for all around me and started respecting myself more,everyday.
The change shows on my body,soul and my attituide.People around me treat me in a fair way, as I treat myself fairly. The practical changes I did on an everyday basis, I will list as the forum goes forward.
Friends, Participate,discuss and it might change your life...
TINKER..Thanks for your kindness.
No.. because certain bugs and pests could not be eradicated from QL.
Elegance, So.... no measurable accomplishments for 2010 eh?
Men would be tyrants if they could,..:P
I learnt FIFA takes bribes.
I've been very afraid & get hurt easily to people who say: "who does she think she is?" but now,I'm standing firm,head up, telling people "this is me,what u see is what you get". I'll flaunt whatever I got and if they end up getting insecure well,i feel sorry for them.. If I have stepped on some people at times bcoz I'm better than them,it couldn't be helped.What can i do? they should retire from acting like a crab busy pulling me down. One of the lessons I've learned this year is to always stay true to myself no matter what people think, & never let what they think of me distract me from my goals. So when i hear about negative & false attacks, I don't really exert any energy on them,because I love myself & I know who I am..:)
dont worry..It will be ok.. :-)
Have a nice day!
somethings just not right here
Hm...FS, Fortunately I have known men who are not like that.One was out of luck- my father.And the second one by choice- my husband. :-)
Lotus lives in muddy ponds...They are rooted though they appear to free floating. They stay in dirt all their life. But you cannot make the leaves or flowers wet or dirty as they are impervious.
They go from their dirty cimcumstances to adorn the highest place- at the altar, as an offering to God, in the most attractive corner of your home or as a garland tribute to a person who made it big in life.
I want to be a lotus.
Elegance that’s a generalization..not all men are that kind... of course there are some men like that...its not right to label all men with that tag..:)
Elegance.. Thanks for sharing your inspirational thoughts and accomplishments of 2010.
Thanks FS, You are so kind.
One thing I also learnt is that men can be "unmanly,mean and vain".Big cowards who rarely have the courage to act when some crisis comes up.And they act macho.
The best way is to ignore and move forward in life..
I learnt that in 2010.
Elegance...its never late for anything... good to know that you are happier now..may the coming years be more blissful..:)
For me it was just another year.....nothing good or nothing bad!! Maybe next yr I anticipate a change in my personal and professional life..:) I am optimistic that the changes are for good..:)
you are 38, thats meant to be ur age or waist size!
lol Brit
Sorry.. My bad :O(
Brit..shut up... its her
O well only two more days left till its over..New Year New Beggining..
One of my New year resolution is to say good bye to QL.
Good for you..
By the way, is that 38DD or bigger ?
this I can say, the latter part of this year has taught me to be stronger and shown me who my real friends are..
so sarcastic of you Sean
Did you lose a ton or lard already?