I have unpaid salary loan in Doha bank when i went back to my home country due to medical reasons,my company did not terminate me instead they gave me a leave of absence hoping upon treatment i would be back in Qatar after four months my company send me an email to report back but due to my doctors advice that i'm not yet in good condition to return to work i decided to resign by sending an email to the company, after several months i decided to re apply with the same company and they rehire me but unfortunately
when they apply for my new visa they found out i'm ban in re entering Qatar (Case in CEID)due to unpaid salary loan, my company asked me to write a letter to the bank for possible restructuring of my loan upon my return, but unfortunately till now we dont recieve any reply from the bank (Dohabank Main Branch). I really wanted to go back and willing to pay my debts thru restructuring. Is there anyone here in QL could help me what to do? my previous id no. is 27960806289, i have not paid my loan almost a year now.I have also a unpaid credit card with the same bank.
thanks for the reply...I called already the bank and talked to their call center agent they just gave a fax number and told to fax a letter regarding my situation, which i did, but till now no answer yet.
Do you expect a fair treatment because you were ill?
In returning to Doha,
Probably the fair treatment you are going to get is just jail time, confiscation of your passport and a life of homeless and beggared in Doha. The best bet you got is too stay put were ever you are. There is no justice or opportunities to restructure anything in Doha when it comes to bad debit loans.
In other words don't come back!
Life is short. Break all the rules. Forgive quickly.
Kiss slowly, love truly and never regret the things that
made you laugh.
Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning
Did you ty calling the bank and find out a settlement with them? Did you try contacting your embassy here in qatar to see if they can actually get an update in your case? Did you try talking with the company HR / PRO/ Mandoop and ask them to find out your real situation?
Instead of sending a letter it would be better to call the bank.