>>>RasGas Housing layout<<<

Dears ,
Good Day
I will be joining RasGas soon ,but I am a little worried regarding the housing layout as I cannot get enough information from them before my mobilization and they advised to wait till I am in Qatar for more information although they are the ones that provide the housing in Doha ,I am mainly concerned about:
1)Places for family accommodation for RG employees as AL KHOR Comm. is now out of the possible list and its fully utilized
2)I know that "utilities and connection " are included yes, but what do they mean exactly by connection?is it internet ,phone ,and TV or any of them?
3)They will provide furniture allowance yes ,but does that mean that the Accommodation will not include any Devices, kitchen cabinets ,etc...,i.e must I start from scratch?
Appreciate your support guys....
Thanks again MM,I heard some RG seniors are residing in AL DANA gardens ,but not sure starting from what grade and what other accommodation options does RG provide for its stuff.....
Thanks again MM,I heard some RG seniors are residing in AL DANA gardens ,but not sure starting from what grade and what other accommodation options does RG provide for its stuff.....
Not really .....
Thanks for appreciating .......
Tue, 18.02.2014 , 11.18 hrs ...
Thanks so much Molten for your valuable info., I know you are always giving huge assistance here trying to give valid and straight to the point information ,do you by any means got any clue regarding current RasGas housing compounds as AKC is already out of the possible list some time ago ?
Its not Fussy or picky believe me accha @all , Its my first time to work outside my Home country and I am just trying to Manage the cash flow within the first few months and to know how much additional cash I must have to get home related bulk items ,for example getting accessories is a total different story compared to getting an entire kitchen same goes for a lot of bulky home items/Devices if you know what I mean...
RasGas is among the best employers in Qatar and if I had been in your place I would not have been asking so many irrelevant questions. Just pick up your bag and come and try avoid being so fussy about petty things such as availability of "kitchen cabinets, forks, spoons, brooms" etc.
Connection means water & power and landline tel , no no , your kitchen be ready to use with a few appliances also ..... the money you get is to buy other items of your choice , if & when you need ...
Tue, 18.02.2014 , 10.36 hrs ...