Qtel mail servers

I've tried to read/send my e-mails using portal where I have mail account opened for the last cuople of years, but it's very complicated (opening portal, then link to webmail, thne again click on inbox... not to mention opening attachement...)
So I've tried to configure Outlook in the way to read/send mail directly through Microsoft Outlook, but I think I would need Q-tel mail servers (outgooing and incoming), at least I was told to do so...
Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not IT kind a guy, so if anyone have/had similar problem, I would really appreciate any help...
it should be configured automatically, that's what i did.
in your outlook just select POP3 as the server type.
use the following for incoming/outgoing mail servers:
Incoming: mail.qatar.net.qa
Outgoing: mail.qatar.net.qa
I strongly suggest you switch to Gmail! ;)
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