I was being sarcastic... i hate this company and i wish nothing but for it to close down. I have been to many countries and Qatar has the worst internet connection BY FAR, i NEVER dealt with garbage like this. Can someone PLEASE give me some good news and tell me that there will be an international company (other than vodafone) that will provide REAL SERVICES. This country has tons of money and now all eyes is on Qatar because of the world cup and they have the crappiest services! WHY!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!
ok sorry, i just had to vent. I hope someone in charge of Qtel can see this and realize that his company is GARBAGE... SEWAGE... and PATHETIC!
you forgot .... "are you"
then why staying here?
try 2MB mozaic service. U can watch TV or use internet at one time. Piece of crap. Called customer service but no use . even qtel tech sup know about the problem.
Plus point is that you can't unsubscribe it bcz u signed up for one year for useless service. in case of termination you will end up paying 1000QR for nothing just one simple mistake.
try to contact ICTqatar . you wish you will get response from them.
the wireless router linksys are good you can get it from carefour or hayat palaza
QTEL is the best licensed internet service provider in Qatar, and I am sure it gets an award for this every year!!!
QTEL dont know about sevices and no one cares
Qtel yah thats runing by bunch of cupcakes.....old tradition
His Problem is Qtel Rizks.... ;)
compared to some countries. I have recently moved to UAE and it is WAY WORSE here.
problem is lack of experts to run the technology!
the problem with Qatar is not about money.
I know how you feel... our office has had no internet since 9am... (yes we paid the bills) and we relie heavily on it for our work emails :(
jerseyboy if they had all of that do you think there would be need for us over paid Expats here.
Well like Baldrick mentioned they upgrading their Fibre Optic network. The only place I know that has the Fibre Optic network in Qatar is Mesaieed, they are upgrading the rest of the country it will take time..
Sorry everyone for complaining like a child... Ive been here for couple of months and my work is mostly web based and after many times calling customer service complaining about my internet at home and at work... they keep telling me that "everything looks ok". So i just snapped. I understand its considered a new country but this has been going on for years, and they do have the money to fix these problems. The only thing I can think of is that qatars population is technically small and therefore there is no need to spend x amount of riyals to make it better when there arent enough people to make them money. Internet is very expensive here compared to the U.S and I would take Dial-up in the US over qatars internet anyday.
just ONE thing to remember....you are in Qatar!!!!
khanan, because those are thoroughly coated with naswar, for resistivity of drop signals :)
They are the pits
lol Khanan !
why not, bring ur village here the next time u go on vacation ? :)
had improved alot with the arrival of competitor but still a long way to go!
Even the ISP's back in my village are better!
I am not expecting any major changes to the situation at least for one year.
Poor service is always a problem in any "monopoly" despite the presence of a so-called "competitor". (Some contradictions in that previous sentence) Anyway, don't ever think this is a problem that is unique to Qatar. I've been to some other GCC countries, and the problem is the same, especially in Oman. My advice, Jerseyboy: just grin and bear it.
Considering they are still a relatively young country they are trying to get up to speed. They are currently embarking on a 'Fibre-to-home' project which will speed up things considerably.
Happy to know I'm not alone suffering...
Mosaic(TV) runs/streams on ISP/internet (unlike rest of world, thru satellite) and many a times this *&&^%$#%^ streaming freezes....
my problem is it freezes when I'm watching something important....:(-
I got a solution too : watching Tv is not good for health!!!!!!!
i agree with nic...
expect the worst!
you want good service? go home!!!
We all go through that phase and then we surrender give up and enter into a dormant stage... until we leave.
No customer service and no one gives a damn about it!
The common mistake is that we assume we are landing in a 1st world country, it may look like it but you have by now found out that its not yet the case, so just assume that you are in a country with poor infrastructures and if anything goes right, take it as a bonus.
If you can’t handle this sad reality, I guess you may have to go back from where you came from.
PS. No other providers except for Qtel (not always bad, it actually improved a lot since the "competitor" arrived) and the 'competitor" itself, Vodafone.
@lord-elite your right... i think the best way is to leave the country. Hows UAE? Does that rich country provide garbage services?
or vodafone is the substitute solution, but their services are not much reliable so far.
No choice, u have to stick with QTEL or stay without any communications....:(
change country......... :p
he is not getting his internet connection or the problem might be no - low connectivity ;b
u forgot to mention ur problem ?