
Dear Sir/Madam
My friend from Philipines send me one gift in my office P.O. Box address. Its been more than 1 months, still I did not receive. My office friends going there to collect the letter. I ask many times , but they told me that there is no letters in my name. So, how can I assure that my letter came or not on that P.O Box. If that letter came to that P.O Box, was there any record in Q. Post.
I am waiting for your kind help and response soon.
Thanking you.
i received one gift today...i dont know from where it is from...maybe its ur gift :P
Is this sent by regd or normal post? If regd then make tracking record. If normal post, then forget it. It may "loose" in transit, that will be the final aswer from the concernd department.
Please note that QPost received 2006 Quality Award, somehow.
A registered package was sent to me from Canada; the tracking number online says that it's been delivered, while the Post Office hasn't seen it yet; go figure :)
I suggest you lodge an insurance claim if you could... otherwise forget about it, and if a breeze of luck swings your way one day... only then you might see it :D
Somethings never get to where they should.