Is QL sick and dying?

Every one has gone running, seeing the pathetic state of QL. Definitely it is a big loss for the community.Today I posted a question about housemaids and got some ridiculous answers which appear regularly about Pizza Express, etc.What is happening to QL? I am mourning.....It is as if a family member of mine is dying....
Get well soon, QL. All I can do is watch and wait for your robust comeback. Or else we will all join together and put a floral tribute and leave with our heads down........
I think it is high time Dr.Ahmad and Dr. Qatari seeked a consultation and treatment from outside.It is not advicable to keep on treating your baby on your own.And to add a little spice to the discussion, I really hope they call in a Dr.Indian to fix up the problem :-)
Elegance, QL might be sick but not dying since Dr. Ahmad and Dr. Qatari are doing their best to recover the patient at full in no time (although a few days have already passed).
Let's give the "Doctors" a confidence vote and wait for the best for the patient.
The Italian Jobs are CooL!
I don't even wanna leave QL..
our heartfelt condolenses to QL ;(
Let its soul RIP!
You are one of the rarest females who has not left QL when trouble striked.....
I've been posting the word SICK and ILL for QL since it has gone for
Yes, v all have encountered the same kinda replies to every post at some point of time..
We just want QL to recover soon and restore our PM option..
See the reply! Is it a Virus attack?! Please take note, someone there..... HELP!!!!